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New Core Features v16.5 SP03Locate this document in the navigation structure

PowerDesigner v16.5 SP03 includes new core features available for all models.

Report Charts

You can now add column, bar, and pie charts to reports to visualize information about your models and objects.
Reports - Chart Example HTML

Documented in:
  • Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Reports > The Report Editor
Excel Import Supports Shortcuts

The Excel Import extension (which provides a wizard for mapping lists of objects defined in Excel worksheets to PowerDesigner objects and properties and importing them) now supports searching in models open in the Workspace to resolve object references. For example, PDM table columns listed in your Excel file can reference domains that are defined in an existing model, and the wizard will create shortcuts to them doing the import.

Documented in:
  • Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Importing Objects from Excel Files
New Environments
The following new environments are supported:
  • Windows 8.1
  • Eclipse 4.3
Other Features
  • Generic extension files such as Excel Import that can be attached to any type of model no longer appear on the module-specific extensions lists but have their own list available at Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Resources Next navigation step Extensions Next navigation step All Model Types End of the navigation path. This list allows you easily to create your own generic extensions.
  • The Find in Diagram command, which allows you to find symbols associated with an object selected in the Browser, an object list, or the Result List window now also finds symbols representing shortcuts to the object and protected symbols.