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This section gives a brief description of the business application case for the demo examples. Note that the business application case is only for demonstration purposes and that the focus of the demo examples is to explain the technical concepts of Process Integration.

The demo examples use the following communication parties:

  • A travel agency that sells flight tickets for various airlines

  • Several airlines that sell their flight tickets through the travel agency

The communication between the travel agency and the airlines is electronic and uses Process Integration.

The demo examples currently consist of the following process integration scenarios:

  • Checking seat availability for a flight

  • Booking a single flight

  • Booking a flight with a connecting flight

  • Distributing booking order data

The demo examples are implemented by SAP and are included in the shipment.

Caution Caution

The example applications are designed as teaching examples and are not intended for productive operation.

End of the caution.
Notes on Selecting Demo Examples

The following conflict arises when selecting the business application case for the demo examples.

  • Real business processes often require specific application knowledge and usually require extensive changes to system settings. Therefore, their suitability for educational purposes is somewhat limited.

  • Simplified everyday processes are better suited for educational purposes since they are easier to understand and require little prior preparation. The disadvantage, however, is that they are not realistic in all aspects.

Since the educational aspect is the main concern in the demo examples, the application case Booking a Flight is chosen.

Booking a flight is something that most people have personal experience of, and is easy to explain. Moreover, the flight data model has been used successfully in many SAP technology courses and is therefore fairly well-known.

The disadvantage of this application case is that not all of the details correspond with the use of the usage type Process Integration in reality.

  • SAP demo examples are based on the assumption that a travel agency books directly with various airlines. In reality, bookings are made using a central booking system.

  • In reality, flight bookings are time-critical and are not executed asynchronously.

  • The communication between travel agencies and airlines is a typical application case for business-to-business integration (B2B). The demo examples (to date) only describe the application-to-application integration (A2A) case.

The demo examples are intended as simple examples to explain the technical concepts. They should be considered as such and do not correspond to reality in every detail.

Note Note

The communication models used in the demo examples are, however, a realistic representation of real business scenarios. A cross-component material booking does include a synchronous material availability query and an asynchronous material booking with asynchronous confirmation.

End of the note.