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Each application must relate the representation of the texts in its response document (in the body of the document) to a suitable code page. The following example shows you how to convert a text into the UTF-8 code page and present it as part of a HTML page. For this purpose, the header field Content Type is set to ‘text/html' and the character set is set to utf-8. This tells the partner how to represent the HTML text.

Syntax Syntax

  1.  DATA: cvto_utf8 TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_out_ce.
  2.  DATA: codepage  TYPE string.
  3.  DATA: html_text TYPE string.
  4.  DATA: html_utf8 TYPE xstring
  5.  codepage = server->request->get_form_field( 'codepage' ).
  6.      IF codepage = '1'.
  7.       TRY.
  8.           CALL METHOD cl_abap_conv_out_ce=>create
  9.             EXPORTING
  10.               encoding = 'UTF-8'
  11.             RECEIVING
  12.               conv     = cvto_utf8.
  13.         CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range .
  14.         CATCH cx_sy_codepage_converter_init .
  15.       ENDTRY.
  16.       CALL METHOD server->response->set_header_field(
  17.              name  = 'Content-Type'                         "#EC NOTEXT
  18.               value = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ).
  19.       TRY.
  20.           CALL METHOD cvto_utf8->write
  21.             EXPORTING
  22.               data = html_text.
  23.         CATCH cx_sy_codepage_converter_init .
  24.         CATCH cx_sy_conversion_codepage .
  25.         CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_type .
  26.         CATCH cx_parameter_invalid_range .
  27.       ENDTRY.
  28. * conversion into UTF-8 unicode code page
  29.       html_utf8 = cvto_utf8->get_buffer( ).
  30. * set body as hexadecimal string
  31.       CALL METHOD server->response->set_data( data = html_utf8 ).
  32.     ELSE.
  33. *   automatic conversion of SAP_UC to utf-8 in a unicode system
  34.       CALL METHOD server->response->set_header_field(
  35.          name  = 'Content-Type' 
  36.          value = 'text/html' ).
  37.       CALL METHOD server->response->set_cdata( data = html_text ).
  38.     ENDIF.
End of the code.

More Information

For general information on code pages, see: