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Background documentation Non-Performance Monitors and Their Methods  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

String Monitor

Methods that get runtime data:

      String getText(); – returns the current value of this monitor


ObjectName name9 = new ObjectName("\"/Applications/Bank Information/General Information/Bank name\",j2eeType=SAP_MonitorPerNode,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=\"\",SAP_J2EECluster=\"\"");

String result9 = (String) mbs.getAttribute(name9, "getText", null, null);


State Monitor

Method that returns runtime data:

      String getState() – returns the current state(value) of this state monitor

Methods that return configuration data:

      String[] getRedStates(); – returns a String array with all states that are critical and will be marked as red in the monitor tree

      String[] getYellowStates(); – returns a String array with all states that are not normal, but still not critical, and will be marked as yellow in the monitor tree

      String[] getGreenStates(); – returns a String array with all states that are normal and will be marked as green in the monitor tree


ObjectName name1 = new ObjectName("\"/Applications/Bank Information/General Information/Bank ranking\",j2eeType=SAP_MonitorPerNode,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=\"\",SAP_J2EECluster=\"\"");


String state = (String) mbs.getAttribute(name1, "getState", null, null);

String[] redStates = (String[])mbs.getAttribute(name1, "getRedStates", null, null);

String[] greenStates  = (String[]) mbs.getAttribute(name1, "getGreenStates", null, null);

String[] yellowStates  = (String[]) mbs.getAttribute(name1, "getYellowStates", null, null);



Table Monitor

Methods that return runtime data:

      Serializable[][] getEntries(); – returns a two-dimensional array with the contents of the table

      Serializable entryAt(int rowPos, int colPos); – returns a table entry that has a [row,col] position in the table

      Serializable[] rowAt(int index); – returns a table row at position index

Method that returns configuration data:

      Serializable[] getHeader(); – returns the titles of the columns


ObjectName name6 = new ObjectName("\"/Applications/Bank Information/General Information/Counter desks\",j2eeType=SAP_MonitorPerNode,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=\"\",SAP_J2EECluster=\"\"");

Serializable[][] result6_1 = (Serializable[][]) mbs.getAttribute(name6, "getEntries", null, null);


Serializable[] result6_2 = (Serializable[]) mbs.getAttribute(name6, "getHeader", null, null);


Serializable result6_3 = (Serializable) mbs.invoke(name6, "entryAt", new Object []{new Integer(1),new Integer(1)}, new String[] {"int","int"});


Serializable[] result6_4 = (Serializable[]) mbs.invoke(name6, "rowAt", new Object[]{new Integer(1)}, new String[]{"int"});



Version Monitor

Methods that get runtime data:

      String[][] getVersionInfo(); – returns version info as a table


ObjectName name10 = new ObjectName("\"/Applications/Bank Information/General Information/Software version\",j2eeType=SAP_MonitorPerNode,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=\"\",SAP_J2EECluster=\"\"");

String[][] result10 = (String[][]) mbs.getAttribute(name10, "getVersionInfo", null, null);



Configuration Monitor

Method that returns runtime data:

      public String[][] getConfigurationParameters(); – returns configuration data as a two-dimensional array


ObjectName name5 = new ObjectName("\"/Applications/Bank Information/General Information/Bank information\",j2eeType=SAP_MonitorPerNode,SAP_J2EEClusterNode=\"\",SAP_J2EECluster=\"\"");

String[][] result5 = (String[][]) mbs.getAttribute(name5, "getConfigurationParameters", null, null);


In the JMX 1.2 specification, it is forbidden to call getters and setters via invoke.

If the property jmx.invoke.gettersdoes not have an empty value, the code that forbids to call getters and setters through invoke is disabled. This means that you use invoke method only for Operations and getAttribute(setAttribute) only for Attributes.


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