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Procedure documentation Accessing Enterprise JavaBeans from Remote Clients  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Remote Clients

A remote client is a client that can run on the same or a separate machine and a Java virtual machine (JVM) than the enterprise bean it accesses. A remote client can be a Web component, an application client, or another enterprise bean. The location of the enterprise bean is transparent to the remote client.

To access Enterprise JavaBeans deployed in an application you use the JNDI API. JNDI Registry Service is the standard way to associate names with objects and to find objects by their names. Remote clients use the JNDI to look up objects. To connect to JNDI you have to create a javax.naming.InitialContext object. In this way you access the root of the naming tree and then you look up the desired object.

You access beans from remote clients using the EJB lookup schemes.

EJB Lookup Scheme

The EJB lookup schemes are a new format of the lookup strings for non-standard Java EE components. The EJB lookup schemes provide the needed abstraction between the client lookup strings and the real bindings in the naming tree. Thus, the EJB container has the freedom to bind its objects to different locations in the naming tree and, at the same time, you do not have to change the lookup strings, they remain compatible.


The lookup string has a special format for home interfaces in EJB 2.x. You can still use the <jndi-name> specified in ejb-j2ee-engine.xml as a lookup string, or use the default one <app-name>/<bean-name>. This format, however, is deprecated in the current release of SAP NetWeaver.



       1.      You create the InitialContext object by specifying the JNDI properties. In addition to the standard properties you have to set the new property: props.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, ""), which is obligatory when you use the EJB lookup scheme.  

Properties props = new Properties();




props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "<host>:<port>");

props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "<user>");

props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "<pass>"); 

props.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "");   

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(props);


If your client is running on the same SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java, you do not need the Properties object while creating the InitialContext:

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext ();

       2.      You look up the bean using the specific lookup string in the root context ctx.

Object obj = ctx.lookup(<lookup-string>);

You have to replace the <lookup-string> with one of the formats listed below.

Extended Format

ejb:/key1=value1, key2=value2…, where the keys can be the following:

Allowed Keys Table






The fully-qualified class name of the desired bean interface.



The name of the application which contains the desired bean.



The name of the JAR which contains the desired bean.



The name of the desired bean.

(the value of either the <ejb-name> element in the ejb-jar.xml or the name attribute of the @Stateless or @Stateful annotation).



The type of the desired bean interface (either local, remote, home or local-home).

This is the new lookup format which brings the whole potential of the JNDI schemes.


ejb:/, jarName=TestJar.jar, beanName=TestBean, interfaceName=test.RemoteInterface

ejb:/, beanName=TestBean, interfaceName=test.RemoteInterface

ejb:/, interfaceName=test.RemoteInterface



If you want to look up EJB 2.x home interfaces with the EJB lookup scheme, you have to use only the Extended format by specifying the interfaceType as ”home” or ”local-home” value.


These keys may be treated as search criteria parameters. For example, if you want to find a particular bean only by using the beanName as a search criterion, the container checks the name of the bean out of all deployed applications which contain enterprise beans. If there are several enterprise beans with the same name, the container may return another bean with the same name that was found in another application or in another EJB module JAR file of the same application. If you search for the same bean using its interface name, the application name, the JAR name, the bean name, and the interface type, there is no conflict because there cannot be two beans with all these keys matching.

Therefore, we recommend using as many keys as possible in your lookup string. More keys mean faster resolving of the EJB and fewer conflicts (a conflict occurs when more than one EJB passes the criteria parameters).

Compatibility Format

ejb:/<app-name>/REMOTE or LOCAL/<bean-name>/<interface-name>

This format provides minimal changes to the previous lookup string which is deprecated in the current version of SAP NetWeaver. Although it is still possible to look up beans by using the <app-name>/<REMOTE or LOCAL>/<bean-name>/<interface-name> string, the EJB lookup scheme is recommended.

In the new format you only have to add the ejb:/ prefix.



Simplified Compatibility Format


This format simplifies the Compatibility format by omitting the access type.




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