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Procedure documentation Defining SonicMQ JMS Provider Settings  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Make specifications for the JMS provider SonicMQ.


      You are configuring a JMS adapter.

      The default values on the interface relate to SonicMQ 3.0.



       1.      Enter the QueueConnectionFactory Java Class.

This is the SonicMQ implementation of the QueueConnectionFactory.

The adapter uses a QueueConnectionFactory object to generate QueueConnection objects of a JMS provider.

       2.      Enter the Queue Java Class.

A queue object encapsulates a provider-specific queue name. This enables a client to make the queue JMS API methods known.

       3.      Enter the IP Address or Server Name of the machine on which the JMS provider is running.

If this is a local machine, the value is localhost.

       4.      Specify the Server Port.

       5.      Enter the name of theJMS Queue.



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