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Procedure documentationDefining Modification Actions Locate this document in the navigation structure


You define the actions to perform in a file that is read when the process is started. Actions are defined by lines. Empty lines and comment lines (first character in the line is a #) are ignored.

A line in the action file defines either a condition, a header field manipulation or a URL manipulation.


Use parameter icm/HTTP/mod_<xx> to activate the modification and to specify the action file.

You can define the following manipulations in the file:

You can work with Variables for all these manipulations.


An action file for the Web Dispatcher could look like:

# Modification rules for WebDisp

# set WebDisp header

SetHeader clientProtocol %{SERVER_PROTOCOL}


# check for forbidden method

if %{REQUEST_METHOD} !stricmp "GET" [AND]

if %{REQUEST_METHOD} !stricmp "POST"

RegForbiddenUrl ^/(.*) -

# default request

RegRewriteUrl ^/$ /index.html

# URL rewriting

if %{HTTP_HOST} regimatch ldp*

RegIRewriteUrl ^/ping(.*) /sap/public/icman/ping$1

This has the following benefits:

  • The header field clientProtocol is set to the value of the variables SERVER_PROTOCOL

  • The header field X-SAP-WEBDISP-AP is set to the value of the variable SERVER_ACCESS_POINTS

  • Only data sent with GET and POST is allowed: If the data is sent with neither the GET nor POST method, the caller gets the HTTP error FORBIDDEN.

  • URLs that consist only of the backslash ("/"), are rewritten in /index.html.

  • If the host name (value of variable HTTP_HOST) starts with ldp*, replace the /ping with /sap/public/icman/ping in URLs that start with /ping.