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Vorgehensweisen Creating and Maintaining a Client Interface  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


You can create a client interface from the Package Builder. A Client Interface is a package interface of an access object’s client package. It is used to expose certain objects for use by the access object.


You have created the package for which you intend to create the access object.


To create a Client Interface:


       1.      Open a package for which you want to create a Client Interface:
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       2.      Choose ‘Create’ to select the corresponding Access Object, or drag and drop the Access Object.

       3.      Choose ‘Properties’ to set the attributes for the Client Interface.

       4.      Select ‘Add’ to expose objects in the Client Interface or you can drag and drop the object into the client Interface.

       5.      Choose ‘Maintain’ to modify the Usage Types.

       6.      You can use ‘Delete’ to delete a Client Interface. You can also choose ‘Remove’ to remove an exposed object from the client interface.


You have created a Client Interface for a package, and any required objects.


See also:

Client Interfaces


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