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Procedure documentation Creating the Install.xml File  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You can configure the information that is displayed during the installation of the patch on the mobile device. You can also define the mode for user interaction, and how the system is to react if an error occurs. In exceptional circumstances, you can also configure what is installed, copied, and deleted under which conditions.


Only change the installation conditions and instructions in exceptional cases; incorrect changes can result in an undefined status of the mobile device.




       1.      Open the install.xml file in the main directory of the installation archive.

       2.      If required, define what should be displayed during installation or in case of errors by defining a text for the description attribute. If you do not define anything here, a generic text is displayed.

       3.      If required, define the mode for interaction with the user (attribute uimode) and the behavior in case of an error (attribute error_action) in ARCHIVE tag.

       4.      Adjust other tags if necessary.


Only change the installation conditions and instructions in exceptional cases; errors can result in an undefined status of the mobile device.

For more information about attributes and possible values, see the file and tables below.

       5.      Save your entries.

Tags in install.xml file




This tag contains at least one PACKAGE tag.

Required attribute is name.

Optional attributes are description, uimode and error_action.

uimode: Mode of interaction with the user. Possible values:

full – The user sees the progress of the installation process and gets information about the actions currently being performed by the client and all error messages. (Default)

simple – The user sees error messages only.

none – The user does not get any messages.

error_action: Behavior in case of errors. Possible values:

abort – The installation is canceled. The administrator sees that the installation failed.

ignore – The error is ignored. No error is reported.

retry – The step that failed is repeated (maximum of three times).

ask – The client prompts the user on whether the installation should be canceled, the error ignored, or the failed step repeated. (Default)



This tag optionally contains a PREREQ tag and at least one TASK tag.

Required attribute is name.

Optional attribute is description. 


This tag contains one or more tags of type APPLICATION. If the check of one of the APPLICATION tags is negative, execution is canceled.


The information given here is used to check if the package can be installed.

The required attributes name and version correspond to those in the Mobile Component Descriptor.

The optional attributes prefixmatch and comparator are used to compare the name and version with the installed version. 

Possible values for the comparator: less, less_equal, equal, greater_equal, greater, not_equal, dont_care.

The optional attributes prefixmatch: true, false


This tag contains at least one instruction tag. Possible instructions are:







Optional attributes are description and name.


Updates PROPERTIES files.

The attribute source defines the source file. If it is local, the allowed placeholders can be used; see below. The file must conform to

The attribute target defines the file to be updated. Entries in the source file overwrite corresponding entries in the file to be updated.

Entries marked R_E_M_O_V_E. in the source file are deleted from the file to be updated.

It is of no importance whether or not the mobile client is running at this point.


Deletes local files and directories.

Together with pattern, the attribute targetFolder defines the files to be deleted. Additional placeholders can be used; see the table below for details.

The mobile client must not run during this instruction.


Deletes local files and directories. Existing files and directories are overwritten.

Valid placeholders can be used for target and source; see the table below for details.


Executes executable files in a separate process.

The attribute executable must be set and defines the executable file. Additional placeholders can be used; see the table below for details.

Attribute commandline is optional; placeholders can be used.

The attribute blocking defines if the installation process is blocked until file execution has completed (value true) or if both processes run in parallel (value false).

Additional Attributes for the Instruction Tag

The following additional attributes are available for the instruction tags that can appear within a TASKtag.




Defines the text to be displayed while the instruction is executed or if there is an error.


Defines if the mobile client is permitted to run when an instruction is executed. Possible values:

true – The mobile client must be running

false – The mobile client must not be running (default)


Uses pattern files to define which files and directories are affected by the instruction.

The following patterns are possible:

Relative file names with folders. The folder separator is /.

For characters in file names (once per pattern)

For all subdirectories


/test/ – for exactly one file

**/ – all files named in all subdirectories

**/*.properties – all files with ending .properties in all subdirectories


Defines how the source is defined.

local – local path to the mobile device

archive – relative path in the installation archive

Permitted Placeholders for Instruction Tags

The following placeholders are available for the instruction tags:




Installation directory of the mobile client


Java installation directory


Directory of the Java libraries (%MI_HOME%\lib)


Directory of the native libraries (%MI_HOME%\bin)


Installation directory of the client installer


Windows directory (C:\WINNT, C:\WINDOWS)


Windows startup directory


Windows Start Menu   Programs


Windows program directory


File system directory used for common storage of documents


Operating system. Can be used if an archive is used for multiple platforms.


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