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Background documentation Indirect Role Assignment in a System Landscape  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

The following scenarios are examples for the use of indirect role assignment in a system landscape:


     You are using indirect role assignment in every system of your system landscape. You may also be using Central User Administration, with which you perform role assignments directly in each system (the Role Assignment parameter is set to Local). To do this, you need to distribute your organizational management model (OM model), which you maintain, for example, in your HR system, to all systems (see Distribution). You can either maintain the role assignments in the OM model in the source system and distribute these with the model, or maintain the assignments in all target systems.

     Maintaining role assignments in the source system and distributing them with the model

You want to have the same role assignments in every system. To achieve this, the used roles must exist in all systems.

     Maintaining the role assignment in the target systems:

You make individual role assignments in each system.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

     You are using indirect role assignment only in the central system of Central User Administration. You maintain the OM model without role assignment, for example in your HR system, and distribute it to the CUA central system. The global role assignment is active (parameter Role Assignment is set to Global), meaning that you can use composite roles with target system-specific single roles. The indirect role assignment generates only local direct role assignments. In our example, in which the OM model was distributed to the CUA central system, these direct role assignments are therefore created in the CUA central system. If you now use composite roles, the system also creates direct assignments of the user to the single roles in the relevant systems, which arise from the composite role definition.

     You are using a combination of the above scenarios, such as using a CUA central system with global role assignment. In this way, you can maintain role assignment for all systems manually. You can also distribute the OM model to all systems to make local indirect role assignments. This means that you can make indirect role assignments in every child system of the CUA using organizational management, although you cannot enter any direct role assignments manually.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text 



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