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Procedure documentationAdministering Message-Driven Beans (MDBs) Locate this document in the navigation structure


According to the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.5, the Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) are able to call functions provided by Java applications. The specification states that these functions are provided by message-driven beans (MDBs).

Resource adapters are responsible for listening to messages or calls and forwarding them to the MDBs. You can configure the connection between the resource adapters and the EIS only through the MDBs.

When configuring message-driven beans at design time, you set the attributes of the required annotations or specify the corresponding tags in the deployment descriptors of your application. If you want to change some of these settings at runtime, you have to either obtain a deployment archive, edit the deployment descriptors, repackage and redeploy the whole application, or edit the source code, change the attributes of the annotations, rebuild, repackage, and redeploy the application.

Using the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, you can administer message-driven beans (MDBs) at runtime without redeploying the application. You just have to change the values of the resource adapter properties that are related to the MDBs and restart the application.


  1. In the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, choose   Configuration Management   Infrastructure   Application Modules  .

  2. Select an EJB Module from the Module List section.

  3. In the EJB Module Details section, choose the Enterprise JavaBeans tab and then select an MDB.

  4. In the Full Details section, choose the Resource adapter properties tab.

  5. To change the properties or add new ones, choose Edit.

  6. Select a resource adapter from the Resource adapter name dropdown list.

  7. You can add and remove properties, or restore all setting to default. After specifying the needed properties, choose Save.