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Procedure documentationSpecifying the Deployment Path from SAP NetWeaver Development Studio Locate this document in the navigation structure


Deploying models of portal content from Visual Composer creates the content to a predetermined path, located it in the Content Created for SAP folder. Likewise, a developer deploying content from NetWeaver Development Studio (NWDS), by right-clicking the DC containing the relevant models and choosing Deploy, also places the content in the Content Created for SAP folder.

However, it is possible for the developer working in NWDS to specify the deployment path in the Portal Catalog by means of an XML file.


Note Note

All mention of development components (DCs) in the following procedures refer to implementation DCs (dc_impl), and not to the interface dc.

End of the note.
Configuring DeploymentPath.XML
  1. In the Visual Composer perspective, go to the Model Browser view.

  2. In the context menu of the DC, choose   Portal Configuration   Edit Deployment Path  . The Deployment.XML file of the DC opens.

  3. Edit the XML file as shown in the following example:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. <DeployPath dcName="test_dc">
    2.   <PortalContent>folder_a/folder_b/folder_c</PortalContent>
    3.   <BusinessObjects>BOfolder/Bofolder_a</BusinessObjects>
    4. </DeployPath>
    End of the code.

    Note Note

    If the DC name changes, the name must also be changed in the XML header.

    End of the note.
Exposing DeploymentPath.XML to Dependent DCs
  1. In the Development Infrastructure perspective, go to the Component Properties view.

    If the Component Properties view does not appear, double-click dcdef.

  2. In the Public Parts tab, click Add to open the New Public Part dialog box.

    The values of the Name, Caption, and Description fields are optional.

  3. In the Purpose field, choose Compilation.

  4. Choose Finish. This returns an empty public part.

  5. Right-click the public part and choose Manage Entities, which displays the contents of the DC.

  6. In the Manage Entities wizard, navigate to the DeploymentPath.xml file you created and click Finish to expose the XML file to dependent DCs.


Upon deployment (from NWDS only), the portal content contained in the DC is created in the location specified by DeploymentPath.xml.

Note Note

If DeploymentPath.xml does not exist, or is not found, during deployment, the DC content is deployed by default under the Content Created by SAP folder.

End of the note.