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Background documentationifNavNodeEqualsLaunchedNavNode Locate this document in the navigation structure


Includes its body if the current node is the node that was launched during the most recent navigation.

You can use it to emphasize a navigation node that is currently launched in a detailed navigation iView by adding code in the ifNavNodeEqualsLaunchedNavNode tag during an iteration through all the navigation nodes.

Cooperating Tags

The tag must be nested in one of the following tags:

  • contextNavNode

  • iterateInitialNavNodes

  • iterateNavNodeChildren

  • iterateNavNodesInSelectedPath

  • iterateRelatedNavNodes

  • iterateSelectedNavNodesLevel

  • launchedNavNode

  • navNode

  • navNodeParent

  • recallNavNode

  • recurseNavNodeChildren

  • selectedNavNode


The following displays the current node in the iteration with a different style depending on whether the node is the launched node.

Syntax Syntax

  1. <nav:ifNavNodeEqualsLaunchedNavNode>
        <strong><nav:navNodeAnchor navigationMethod="byURL"/></strong>
        <nav:navNodeAnchor navigationMethod="byURL"/>
End of the code.

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