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Procedure documentationStep 2: Creating the Wizard Component Locate this document in the navigation structure


Each wizard contains a wizard component, whose Java class extends AbstractWizard. This class is descended from AbstractPortalComponent, making the wizard a standard iView that can be displayed in the portal administration pages.

AbstractWizard requires you to implement one method, setupWizard(), which is passed an IConfigurableWizard object. In this method, the wizard does the following:

  • Sets the wizard title.

  • Adds panes to the IConfigurableWizard object

  • Sets the transitions between panes.

  • Sets dependencies between data model objects.


  1. Create a new class that extends AbstractWizard.

  2. Implement setupWizard(), which has the following signature:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. public void setupWizard(
          com.sapportals.admin.wizardframework.api.IConfigurableWizard wizard,
          IPortalComponentProfile profile,
          java.util.Map params,
          java.util.ResourceBundle bundle) {
    End of the code.

    The method receives an IConfigurableWizard object, which is used to create panes, add transitions, and add dependencies.

    In this method, do the following:

    • Create Panes: To create and add a pane to the wizard, supply a key for the pane and the pane's class name, as shown in the following example:

      Syntax Syntax

      1. wizard.addPane(PersonalDetailsPane.PERSONAL_DETAILS_PANE_KEY,
      End of the code.
    • Add Transitions: Transitions determine to what panes the wizard navigates when each button is clicked.

      Note Note

      You only need transitions if the wizard is not a linear set of panes. If no transitions are created, the wizard navigates from pane to pane in the order they were added to the wizard.

      The following enables the Next button when the address pane is displayed, and specifies that the wizard display the table pane when the button is clicked:

      End of the note.

      Syntax Syntax

      1. wizard.addTransition(AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY,
            NEXT, null, TablePane.TV_PANE_KEY);
      End of the code.

      Each transition can also contain a condition that must return true in order for the transition to take effect. If the condition is false, the navigation specified by the transition does not take place.

      A condition is an instance of a class that extends ICondition. For more information, see Step 3: Creating Conditions.

      The following is an example of a transition with a condition:

      Syntax Syntax

      1. wizard.addTransition(PersonalDetailsPane.PERSONAL_DETAILS_PANE_KEY,
            NEXT, stuCond, StudentPane.STUDENT_PANE_KEY);
      End of the code.
    • Add Dependencies: Dependencies cause objects in the data model to be deleted whenever the value of other objects change. For example, you may want to clear the address field if the administrator changes the name field.

      The following clears all properties that start with the address pane key if the last name in the personal details pane was changed:

      Syntax Syntax

      1. wizard.addDependency(PersonalDetailsPane.PERSONAL_DETAILS_PANE_KEY
            +".last_name", AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY);
      End of the code.
  3. Create a <component> element in the portalapp.xml for the wizard component, similar to the element for a standard component.

    Add a property element called isStateless in the <component-profile> element called to determine if session data is maintained on the client (true) or on the server (false).

    Syntax Syntax

    1. <components>
          <component name="trainSample">
                  <property name="ClassName" value="TrainWizard"/>
                  <property name="LocalModeAllowed" value="true"/>
                  <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
                  <property name="isStateless" value="true"/>
    End of the code.


The following is an example of setupWizard() that creates:

  • 6 panes

  • A close pane that closes the wizard

  • A condition (isStudent)

  • Several transitions that define how the wizard navigates between panes

  • One data dependency

Syntax Syntax

  1. public void setupWizard(
       com.sapportals.admin.wizardframework.api.IConfigurableWizard wizard,
       IPortalComponentProfile profile,
       java.util.Map params,
       java.util.ResourceBundle bundle) {
        wizard.setTitle("Order Train Tickets");
        wizard.addPane(ShowPanes.SHOW_PANE_KEY, ShowPanes.class.getName());
        wizard.addPane(TablePane.TV_PANE_KEY, TablePane.class.getName());
    //creating an instance of the ICondition, IsStudent
        IsStudent stuCond = new IsStudent();
    //creating the reverse condition from IsStudent
        ICondition notStuCond = new IsStudent() {
            public boolean isTrue(IWizardContext ctx) {
                return !super.isTrue(ctx);
            NEXT, stuCond, StudentPane.STUDENT_PANE_KEY);
            NEXT, notStuCond, AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY);
        wizard.addTransition(AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY, BACK, stuCond,
        wizard.addTransition(AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY, BACK,   
        wizard.addTransition(StudentPane.STUDENT_PANE_KEY, BACK, null,
        wizard.addTransition(StudentPane.STUDENT_PANE_KEY, NEXT, null,
        wizard.addTransition(AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY, NEXT, null,
        wizard.addTransition(TicketInfo.TICKET_INFO_PANE_KEY, BACK, null,
        wizard.addTransition(TicketInfo.TICKET_INFO_PANE_KEY, NEXT, null,
        wizard.addTransition(TablePane.TV_PANE_KEY, NEXT, null,
        wizard.addTransition(TablePane.TV_PANE_KEY, BACK, null,
        wizard.addTransition(ShowPanes.SHOW_PANE_KEY, FINISH, null,
        wizard.addTransition(ShowPanes.SHOW_PANE_KEY, BACK, null,
            +".last_name", AddressPane.ADDRESS_PANE_KEY);
End of the code.