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Indicates the start and end of the layout.

  • epPageVariables: Enables you to get information about the current client, and whether the layout is being used in design time or runtime.

    The variable has the following two methods:

    • epPageVariables.getRunMode(): Returns either RunMode.RUN_TIME or RunMode.DESIGN_TIME

    • epPageVariables.getUserAgent(): Returns an object of type IUserAgent, which enables you to find out about the client, such as the browser type and version.

      For more information, see User Agent Service.

    The scope of epPageVariables is from the beginning of the template tag to the end of the JSP page.


The following creates a layout with one container that calls theepPageVariables methods to determine whether the layout is displayed at runtime and whether the browser is Internet Explorer, and executes code accordingly.

Syntax Syntax

  1. <%@ taglib uri="LayoutTagLibrary" prefix="lyt" %>
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.useragent.IUserAgent" %>
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.useragent.IUserAgentConstants" %>
    <%@ page import="com.sapportals.portal.pb.layout.taglib.variabledef.RunMode" %>
    //Resolve page RunMode
    RunMode pageRunMode = epPageVariables.getRunMode();
    //Resolve page UserAgent
    IUserAgent pageUserAgent = epPageVariables.getUserAgent();
    String pageUserAgentType = pageUserAgent.getType();
    if(pageRunMode == RunMode.RUN_TIME) {
    if(pageUserAgentType.equals(IUserAgentConstants.UA_TYPE_MSIE)) {
        <lyt:container id="the_container_id" />
End of the code.