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The following is the wizard framework process flow, showing the methods that are called on the AbstractWizardPane object and the user events that occur, starting from when a pane is first displayed:

  • setupPane(): Creates the user interface for the pane.

  • doBeforeDisplay(): Performs synchronization between the data model and the pane. The default implementation calls the pane's myDoBeforeDisplay() method, and then calls doBeforeDisplay() on all the wizard components within the pane.

    Implement myDoBeforeDisplay() to set the values of HTMLB controls in your pane based on the data model.

  • User Input: The user enters data into the user interface controls, and then clicks a toolbar button.

  • processInput(): Performs synchronization between the pane and the data model, saving to the data model the values entered into wizard controls by the administrator. The default implementation calls the pane's myProcessInput() method, and then calls processInput() on all the wizard components within the pane.

    Implement myProcessInput() to save to the data model the data from any HTMLB controls that you created in the pane.

    The processInput() method is called after a user clicks a toolbar button, causing a new request to be made to the wizard component.

  • getErrorMessages(): Validates the data for the pane. If the data is valid, the method returns null. If the data is not valid, the method returns a List of error messages, and flow returns to setupPane(), above.

  • doAfterSubmit(): Performs any actions on the data if the data is valid.

The wizard then navigates to the next pane based on the transitions set by the wizard, and the flow starts again with setupPane(), above.

Non-visible Panes

For a non-visible pane, the wizard framework simply calls doAction() on the AbstractActionState object, and then navigates to the next pane based on the transitions set by the wizard. The flow starts again with setupPane(), above.