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Procedure documentationXML Script for Admin Studio Configuration Locate this document in the navigation structure


Each admin studio instance contains an admin studio configuration object, whose object class is The configuration object contains <context> elements for defining the following sections:

  • Entry Points

  • Actions

  • Toolbar Actions

  • Startup Actions

  • Action Providers


XML Outline

The XML script for creating and configuring an admin studio instance has the following structure:

  • <Context> - Delta link to admin studio template

    • <Context> - Delta link to admin studio configuration

      • <Attribute> - Specify action providers

      • <Context> - Start of entry points

        • <Context> - Delta links to entry points

          • <Attribute> - Object types to display

          • <Attribute> - A list of specific objects to exclude

      • <Context> - Start of actions

        • <Context> - Delta links to actions

        • <Attribute> - Configure action (object types, required permissions)

        • <Context> - Submenus

          • <Context> - Delta links to actions

      • <Context> - Start of startup actions

        • <Context> - Delta links to startup actions

      • <Context> - Start of toolbar actions

        • <Context> - Delta links to toolbar actions

      • <Context> - Define action

    Note Note

    The order of sections within the <context> elements for the admin studio instance in the script is not significant.

    End of the note.


The following is a sample XML script for creating and configuring an admin studio instance.

Syntax Syntax

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Root GenericCreator tag -->
    <GenericCreator mode="execute" createMode="3" report.level="success"
       default.responsible="I027573" default.locale="en" ignore="false">
    <Property name="namespace" value="" />
    <Property name="locale" value="en" />
    <Property name="adminStudioNs" value="" />
    <Property name="pcdFolder" value="" />
    <Property name="pcmFolder" value="" />
    <Property name="collection" value="IP_PTL_INITIAL_CONTENT" />
    <!-- Specifies folder in which to create admin studio instance -->
    <Context name="portal_content" objectClass=""
    title="Portal Content">
    <!-- ****************************************************** -->
    <!-- Creates a delta link to the admin studio page template -->
    <!-- ****************************************************** -->
    <Context name="${namespace}.wd_portal_content" template="portal_content/" objectClass="" create_as="1"
    title="My Admin Studio">
    <!-- Specifies properties for new object -->
       <Attribute name="" type="string"
       <AttributeValue value="false" />
       <!-- ... Other attributes -->
    <!-- ********************************************************* -->
    <!-- Specifies the configuration for the admin studio instance -->
    <!-- ********************************************************* -->
    <Context name="${namespace}"
    title="Administration Studio Configuration" create_as="0"
    collection="${collection}" domain="EP" originalLocale="${locale}">
    <!-- ****************************** -->
    <!-- Specifies the action providers -->
    <!-- ****************************** -->
       <Attribute name="${adminStudioNs}.action.wdActionProviders">
       <AttributeValue value="   nProvider" />
       <AttributeValue value="   s.GpalActionProvider" />
    <!-- ************************** -->
    <!-- Specifies the entry points -->
    <!-- ************************** -->
    <Context name="pcmEntryPoints" objectClass="${pcdFolder}">
    <Context name="${namespace}.PortalContent" template="portal_content/${namespace}.PortalContent" objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.pcmentrypoint" create_as="1">
       <Attribute name="${adminStudioNs}.pcmentrypoint.structureFilter">
       <AttributeValue value="${pcmFolder}=${pcmFolder}" />
       <AttributeValue value="${pcmFolder}=com.sapportals.portal.iview" />
       <AttributeValue value="${pcmFolder}" />
       <AttributeValue value="${pcmFolder}=com.sapportals.portal.role" />
       <!-- ... Other object types-->
    <!— Specific objects to exclude and not display in the catalog-- >
       <Attribute name="${adminStudioNs}.pcmentrypoint.excludedObjects">
    <!-- ... Other entry points-->
    <!-- ***************************** -->
    <!-- Specifies the startup actions -->
    <!-- ***************************** -->
    <Context name="startupActions" title="Startup Actions"
    objectClass="${pcdFolder}" responsible="I123456">
     <Context name="${namespace}.action.MyAction"
    objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.action" create_as="1"
    template="portal_content/MyContent/${namespace}.MyAction" /> 
    <!-- ********************* -->
    <!-- Specifies the actions -->
    <!-- ********************* -->
    <Context name="actions" title="Actions" objectClass="${pcdFolder}">
    <Context name="new" title="New" objectClass="${pcdFolder}">
    <Context name="${namespace}.action.newPage" title="Page" objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.action" create_as="1" template="portal_content/${namespace}.action.page_wizard" />
    <Context name="${namespace}.action.newIView" title="iView" objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.action" create_as="1" template="portal_content/${namespace}.action.iview_wizard" />
    <Context name="open" title="Open" objectClass="${pcdFolder}">
     <Context name="${namespace}.action.pageeditor_editdefault" title="Page" objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.action" create_as="1" template="portal_content/${namespace}.action.pageeditor" />
    <Context name="${namespace}.action.tracedeltalinks" title="Delta Link Tracer" objectClass="${adminStudioNs}.action" create_as="1" template="portal_content/${namespace}.action.tracedeltalinks">
       <Attribute name="${adminStudioNs}.action.required.objectTypes">
       <AttributeValue value="" />
       <AttributeValue value="com.sapportals.portal.iview" />
       <AttributeValue value="" />
       <AttributeValue value="" />
       <AttributeValue value="com.sapportals.portal.workset" />
       <AttributeValue value="com.sapportals.portal.role" />
       <AttributeValue value="com.sapportals.portal.layout" />
    <!-- ... Other actions -->
End of the code.