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Procedure documentationAdding Actions Dynamically Locate this document in the navigation structure


You can add actions to the admin studio dynamically, when your work unit starts to run.

For example, a work unit for editing a page may enable the administrator to select iViews to add to the page. The work unit can add an action Add iView to Page for all iViews, which triggers a Web Dynpro action that adds the iView to the page, as illustrated in the following figure:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text.


  1. Create and map the following context attributes

    1. Component Controller -- IActionNodeList (java.util.List): List of dynamic actions

    2. Tab View -- IActionNodeList (java.util.List): List of dynamic actions. Map this attribute to the IActionNodeList attribute in the component controller.

  2. Create the Web Dynpro actions for the corresponding admin studio actions.

    For each Web Dynpro action, add a parameter called eventData of type to get information about the portal object for which action was triggered.

    You can get the following strings by calling the eventData.getString() method:




    The ID of the object selected.


    The name of the object selected


    Indicates that the selected portal object is Web Dynpro- based.

  3. In the wdDoInit() method of the work unit view, add code that specifies the admin studio actions to add and the Web Dynpro actions to be triggered when each admin studio action is selected.

    The following illustrates how to add an action dynamically:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. //Create an (executable) action, specifying the ID, display name 
      // and Web Dynpro action to be triggered.
      ExecutableActionNode action1 = newExecutableActionNode("action1ID", null,
          new WebDynproActionMetaData("action1ID", "Dynamic Action1
      //Add the dynamic actions for this work unit to a List
      List<IActionNode> actionList = new ArrayList<IActionNode>();
      //Save the List to the context
    End of the code.

    See Action Filters and Submenus below for more options when creating actions.

  4. In the component controller's getActions() method, get the List of actions in the context and return it as an array, as follows:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. List<IActionNode> actions = wdContext.currentContextElement()
    End of the code.

    To set the actions while the work unit runs and not just at startup of the work unit, call setActions(), as follows:

    Syntax Syntax

    1. List <IActionNode> actions = wdContext.currentContextElement()
    End of the code.

    Note Note

    To set the actions, you must declare the IWUFramework component interface controller as a required controller of the view.

    End of the note.
Action Filters

You can create an action filter so that your action only appears for a subset of portal objects based on:

  • Object type

  • Permissions

  • Object capabilities

  • Aspects

The following code creates a filter so that an action is only displayed for iViews for which the current administrator has write permission, and then applies it to an action:

Syntax Syntax

  1. //Create an action filter
    ActionFilteringData actionFilter = newActionFilteringData();                    
    //Create an (executable) action, specifying the ID, display name, 
    // Web Dynpro action to be triggered, and the action filter.
    ExecutableActionNode action1 = newExecutableActionNode("action1ID", null,
        new WebDynproActionMetaData("action1ID", "Dynamic Action1 Title",
    //Add the dynamic actions for this work unit to a List
    List<IActionNode> actionList = newArrayList<IActionNode>();
    //Save the List to the context
End of the code.

You can create a tree structure by creating folder action nodes, and then adding executable actions under the folder action nodes.

The following code creates an action called action1, and places it in a folder action node called myActions:

Syntax Syntax

  1. //Create an (executable) action, specifying the ID, display name
    // and Web Dynpro action to be triggered.
    ExecutableActionNode action1 = new ExecutableActionNode("action1", null,
        new WebDynproActionMetaData("action1", "Dynamic Action1 Title",
    //Create a folder action, specifying the ID and display name
    FolderActionNode myActions = newFolderActionNode(
        "MyActions",null,"My Actions");
    //Add the executable action to the folder action
    //Add only the folder action to a List
    List<IActionNode> actionList = newArrayList<IActionNode>();
    //Save the List to the context
End of the code.