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Example documentationExample: Profile File of a SAP Web Dispatcher Locate this document in the navigation structure


A SAP Web Dispatcher’s profile file could be as follows:

In addition to the parameters that are only valid for the SAP Web Dispatcher, there are icm/*parameters that are also valid for the SAP Web Dispatcher.

Example Example

  1. # SAPSYSTEM muss gesetzt werden, damit die shared memory Bereiche
    # angelegt werden koennen.
    # Die Nummer muss sich von anderen SAP Instanzen auf dem Rechner 
    # unterscheiden
    SAPSYSTEM = 66
    # Verzeichnisvariablen
    # Beschreibung des Message Servers
    rdisp/mshost = binmain
    ms/http_port = 8081
    # SAP Web Dispatcher Parameter
    wdisp/auto_refresh = 120
    wdisp/max_servers = 100
    # Parameter fuer das HTTPS routing
    wdisp/HTTPS/dest_logon_group = HTTPS
    wdisp/HTTPS/max_client_ip_entries = 100000
    wdisp/HTTPS/sticky_mask =
    # Beschreibung der Zugangspunkte
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80
    icm/server_port_1 = PROT=ROUTER,PORT=443
    # Beschreibung der Ressourcen
    icm/min_threads = 20
    icm/max_threads = 40
    icm/max_conn = 500
    # Kommunikationspuffer
    mpi/total_size_MB = 100
    mpi/buffer_size = 65536
End of the code.