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The Configure Image task panel enables you to define attributes for an image control. An image control is used to display an icon from the image library or an image by specifying its URL.

The following table describes the properties and attributes of this model element:






The label text to be displayed to the left of the control.

You can either enter the text directly in the Label field, or click the fx button to define the label text using the Dynamic Expression Editor dialog box.


The static or dynamic URL of the image to be displayed in the control. You can either enter the URL directly in the URL field or click the ellipsis (...) at the right of the field to display the Browse Images dialog box, in which you add and define the condition for displaying the image. See Browse Images Dialog Box.


Indicates whether the control is enabled or disabled at runtime. A disabled control is displayed, but is grayed out (including the label), and cannot be activated by the runtime user.

You can select or deselect the checkbox to specify whether the control is enabled or disabled, or click the fx button to define the expression that specifies under which condition the control is enabled or disabled at runtime.


Indicates whether the control is hidden or displayed at runtime.

You can select or deselect the checkbox to specify whether the control is hidden or visible, or click the fx button to define the expression that specifies under which condition the control is displayed or hidden at runtime.


Defines the alignment of the control within the layout column.

You can select or deselect the checkbox to specify whether the control is indented or left-aligned, or click the fx button to define the expression that specifies under which condition the control is indented at runtime.

For some control types, left-aligning the control hides the label and stretches the control to fill the entire column width; for other control types, it hides the label and left-aligns the control (without changing the control width).


Text to be displayed in a tooltip over the element at runtime.

You can either enter the tooltip text directly in the Tooltip field, or click the fx button to define the tooltip using the Dynamic Expression Editor dialog box.


The event to be triggered or action to be executed when a control value is entered at runtime.

You can either enter the name of a custom action directly in the Action field, or you can click the browse button to open the Define Action dialog box and define an action. Use an asterisk (*) before an event name to indicate that if any event of the same name (without the asterisk) is raised, all events of the name with the asterisk will respond.

More information: Define Action Dialog Box

Scale mode

Defines how the external image is displayed within the control. The following options are available:

  • Original size: The image is displayed at its original size. Its edges are cut off if the control size is smaller than the image dimensions.

  • Auto-fit: The image is resized to fill the control (the height/width ratio is not maintained).

  • Fit width: The image is resized so that the width fits in the control and the height/width ratio is maintained.

  • Fit height: The image is resized so that the height fits in the control and the height/width ratio is maintained.

  • Proportional fit: The image is resized proportionally, so that the entire image fits in the control and the height/width ratio is maintained.

Image size

Height and width of image, in pixels (read-only).