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Procedure documentationSearching and Browsing Service Definitions Locate this document in the navigation structure


This procedure enables you to find service definitions in the Services Registry. The search is based on classification groups and the physical systems where these services are located. If you already know the classification of the service you are looking for you can browse through it to find the service.


The Services Registry has been configured.

More information: Configuring the Services Registry.


Accessing Services Registry
  1. You can access the central Services Registry by using the following address:


  2. Choose Service Definitions.

Searching Service Definitions by Name, System, or State
  1. Choose Search.

  2. If you know the name of the service definition you are looking for, enter it in the Find field.

    Note Note

    If you do not know the exact name of the service definition, you can use wildcards to substitute part of the name. The possible wildcards are:

    • Use asterisk (*) when you want to substitute any number of characters.

    • Use question mark (?) when you want to substitute only one character.

    If you use an asterisk only, the search returns all service definitions available.

    End of the note.
  3. Choose search options to narrow the search result.

    • Select the type of name you want to search by:

      • WSDL Porttype Name

      • Internal Name

        Service definition name or technical name (in ABAP).

      • Free Text

        Search by any text using TREX. TREX has to be installed.

    • Select a physical system where you want to perform the search.

    • Select the service State for the service you are looking for:

      • Choose Modeled when the service is modeled in the Enterprise Services Repository or in an application server system and does not have endpoints.

      • Choose Activated/Deployed when the service is implemented and has no endpoints.

      • Choose Configured when the service has endpoints.

    • If you additionally want to select a service using the classification system, choose Advanced.

      You can choose one or multiple entries by copying them from the Available Classifications table on the left-hand side to the Selected Classification table on the right-hand side.

  4. Choose Go.

Searching Service Definitions by Browsing Classifications
  1. Choose Browse.

  2. Select classification group.

    You can choose Browse by Application or Software Components.

  3. Select a physical System where you want to perform the search.


The system displays the search results in a table. This table can display a predefined number of results. In case the result of your search is greater than this number you can do one of the following:

You can choose a service definition and view detailed information about it by choosing the corresponding tab:

  • General contains information such as name and description of the service definition and a link to the WSDL file.

    To access the WSDL file, you must have permission for the corresponding physical system.

  • Endpoints displays a list with all available endpoints of the selected service definition.

    The screen area below the list provides information about the endpoint selected in the list.

    To test an endpoint in Web Services Navigator, select it and choose the Test button. More information: Testing a Web Service Operation

  • In Classifications, you can find a list of the classification systems with which this service definition is classified.

    You can add or remove classification systems as necessary.

  • System Details displays information about the system that provides the service.

  • Used By displays a list of service groups that use the selected service definition.