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Procedure documentation Processing Messages  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


There are several message types defined by the JMS specification that the applications can create and receive, all implementing the javax.jms.Message interface.

·        Generic Message – consists only of a message header and properties.

·        Byte Message – represents an array of bytes.

·        Map Message – contains a set of name-value pairs.

·        Object Message – has a payload that is a Serializable Java object.

·        Stream Message – contains a stream of Java primitive values.

·        Text Message – contains java.lang.String object.


Processing Byte Message

// create a byte array with the received data

byte[] receivedBytes;

// create an integer object to receive the data with that specified length:

int dataLength;

// get the data from the Bytes Message:

dataLength = bytesMessage.readBytes(receivedBytes);

Processing Map Message

String stringData;

long longData;

stringData = mapMessage.getString(“message”);

longData = mapMessage.getLong(“long”);

Processing Objects Message

String stringValue;

long longValue;

Class_Implementing_Serialaizable cis = new Class_Implementing_Serialaizable();

cis =  objectMessage.getObject();

stringValue = cis.getString();

longValue = cis.getLong();

Processing Stream Message

String stringValue;

long longValue;

stringValue = streamMessage.readString();

longValue = streamMessage.readLong();

Processing Text Message

String text;

text = textMessage.getText();


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