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Background documentationOpen Model Dialog Box Locate this document in the navigation structure


The Open Model dialog box displays a hierarchical tree of models, arranged within their respective software component and development component nodes.

You display the Open Model dialog box by choosing   Model   Open   or by clicking the Open Model button in the main toolbar.

The hierarchical model tree contains some of the following top-level nodes, depending on your system configuration:



Shared Repository

Shared location in which models can be accessed by other modelers. Models in this location are managed using basic source control features (check in and check out). This node is available only if you do not have a source control system installed and configured for use with Visual Composer.

Source Control Repository

Central source control system location in which models are managed using full source control functionality. This option is available only if you have a supported source control system installed and configured for Visual Composer.

Local Repository

Per-user location (no source control) in which models can be accessed only by the user who created them.