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Packages a Software Component Archive (SCA) file. An SCA is uniquely identified by its name, vendor, location, version, release, service level, and patch level. It contains every development component (DCs) that belongs to a certain software component (SC). There are two types of DC archives: runtime archives (SDAs) and build archives.



packsca -name|-n SCName -vendor|-v SCVendor -location|-l SCLocation -release|-r SCRelease -servicelevel|-sp SCLevel -patchlevel|-pl SCLevel [-counter|-c SCVersion] [-deployarchives|-da directoryName] [-buildarchives|-ba directoryName] [-sourcearchives|-sa directoryName] [-dependencies|-deps dependencies] [-includingsubdirs|-icsd] [-mfentries|-mfe values] [-owner|-o name] [-compression] [-extensionsettings property] [-metainfdirectory directoryName] targetfilename



-name|-n SCName

The name of the SC.

-vendor|-v SCVendor

The vendor of the SC.

-location|-l SCLocation

The build location of the SC.

-release|-r SCRelease

The release of the SC.

-servicelevel|-sp SCLevel

The service level of the SC.

-patchlevel|-pl SCLevel

The patch level of the SC.

[-counter|-c SCVersion]

The version of the SC. In case it is not set, the current timestamp is used as the version.

[-deployarchives|-da directoryName]

A comma-separated list of files and/or directories. The affected files must be Software Delivery Archives (SDA) which should be packed into the resulting SCA. According to the component model, one or more SDAs are associated to a SCA. A SCA contains always every SDA of the corresponding SC and so every SDA belonging to the SC must be given by this argument.

 [-buildarchives|-ba directoryName]

A comma-separated list of files and/or directories. The affected files must be Component Build Service build archives, which should be packed into the resulting SCA. According to the component model one or more Component Build Service build archives are associated to an SCA. An SCA always contains every Component Build Service build archive of the corresponding SC and so every Component Build Service build archive belonging to the SC must be given by this argument.

[-sourcearchives|-sa directoryName]

A comma-separated list of files and/or directories. The affected files must be source archives, which should be packed into the resulting SCA.

[-dependencies|-deps dependencies]

A comma-separated list of deploy-time dependencies on other SCs. A referenced SC is defined by its vendor, name, location, release and (optionally) by its service level and patch level.

Each dependency must be given in one of the following formats: <component vendor>:<component name>:<component location>:<component release>:<component servicelevel>:<component patchlevel>, <component vendor>:<component name>:<component location>:<component release>:<component servicelevel>, <component vendor>:<component name>:<component location>:<component release>.

[-mfentries|-mfe values]

A comma-separated list of manifest entries. Specify each entry in one of the following formats:

      <attribute entry>:<attribute name>:<attribute value>

for a given manifest entry.

      <attribute name>:<attribute value>

for a manifest main entry.

[-owner|-o name]

The person who builds the SCA.

[-extensionsettings property]

A comma-separated list of properties that influence the behavior of the packaging tool. Specify each property in following format:

<property name>:<property value>.

[-metainfdirectory directoryName]

The path of the directory containing the corresponding META-INF directory. By using this option, the component attributes name, vendor, location, counter, release, service level and patch level are set to values obtained from the manifest files that are located in the META-INF directory. It is possible to overwrite the obtained values by using the corresponding options.




The resulting SCA will be compressed.


Used in combination with the options deployarchives, buildarchives and sourcearchives. If the argument is set subdirectories are considered, too.


The file name of the resulting SCA.


Packages a Software Component Archive (SCA) file.


A SCA named is created. It contains every SDA located in the directory c:\testsda and its subdirectories. Also, every build archive located in the directory c:\testbas and its subdirectories is packed into the resulting SCA:

packsca –n di_test –v – l testfactory –c 12 –r 6.45 –sp 2 –pl 0 –da c:\testsda –ba c:\testbas –includingsubdirs c:\

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