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Object documentation WDCOApproveItems  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


A Web Dynpro component that provides information for the ordered items and their total price, and enables the action processor to approve or reject the order.


This component is displayed after the purchaser has completed the order in the Order Items step (see the diagram of the Order Office Material process in Scenario: Order Office Material).


The following aspects of the component’s structure are relevant for its implementation:

     Basic data (such as name, package, and so on)

     Component controller

     Interface controller

     User interface

Basic Data




Implemented Interfaces

IGPWebDynproCO (

Used Web Dynpro Components

CContext (


This is a helper component for this example that holds the example data. The component is not described in the documentation, because its implementation is not GP-specific. In a real-life scenario, the data will be retrieved from a real repository, such as a database, or a backend system.

Component Controller

The WDCOApproveItems component controller implements the functionality that the component provides.


The interface controllers of the following components are required:



Component Controller: Properties

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


The context of the component controller contains the following value attributes:





Component Controller: Context

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


The following methods are declared:

     approve() – the method is used in the implementation of the onActionApprove()event in view VApproveItems (see section User Interface)

     reject() – the method is used in the implementation of the onActionReject()event in view VApproveItems (see section User Interface)

     createDescription(java.util.Locale locale) – the method is used in the implementation of the getDescription() method in the interface controller (see section Interface Controller)

     execute( context) – the method is used in the implementation of the execute() method in the interface controller (see section Interface Controller)

Component Controller: Methods

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text


The implementation of the component controller implies adding the relevant logic in the methods that are declared:

     Implementing method createDescription()

In this method, the basic data, the input and output parameters, and the result states for the callable objects are defined.

The implementation of the method is analogous to the implementation of the createDescription()method in the WDCODisplaySelectItems component controller. For more information, see WDCODisplaySelectItems.

The following aspects are specific to the method implementation in this component:

     Some of the parameters are defined with multiplicity 1…1. The multiplicity implies that the parameters are not lists, and are required.

     Two result states – RESULT_STATE_APPROVED and RESULT_STATE_REJECTED, are declared for the callable object. They are used in the implementation of the approve() and reject() methods respectively. At runtime, the process flow is defined by the result state reached – if it is RESULT_STATE_REJECTED, the Order Items action is displayed; otherwise, a confirmation mail is sent to the purchaser.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

The callable object does not define output parameters. In a real-life business scenario, you can pass the ordered items details on, so that the process can be extended with additional actions for updating a database with the purchased amount, creating an invoice, and so on.

Method createDescription()

public createDescription( java.util.Locale locale )


    //@@begin createDescription()

   GPWebDynproResourceAccessor resourceAccessor = new GPWebDynproResourceAccessor(m_TextAcc);


   IGPTechnicalDescription technicalDescription = GPCallableObjectFactory.createTechnicalDescription(






   try {


      //get root input

      IGPStructureInfo input = technicalDescription.getInputStructureInfo();


      //add item structure to root input 

      IGPStructureInfo itemsStructureIn = input.addStructure(CContextInterface.STRUCTURE_ITEMS);



      //add attributes to item structure

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_ORDER_NUMBER, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_NAME, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_UNIT, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_CURRENCY, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_PRICE, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_DOUBLE);

      itemsStructureIn.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_QUANTITY, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_SIGNED_INT);


      //add parameter purchaserFirstName

      IGPAttributeInfo attributeInfoUserName = input.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_PURCHASER_NAME, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);



      //add parameter purchaserLastName

      IGPAttributeInfo attributeInfoUserFirstName = input.addAttribute(CContextInterface.PARAM_PURCHASER_FIRST_NAME, IGPAttributeInfo.BASE_STRING);



   } catch (GPInvocationException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_CREATING_TECHNICAL_DESC");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));



   //result states

   IGPResultStateInfo approved = technicalDescription.addResultState(RESULT_STATE_APPROVED);



   IGPResultStateInfo rejected = technicalDescription.addResultState(RESULT_STATE_REJECTED);



   return technicalDescription;



     Implementing method execute()

The frawework calls this method when the callable object is executed as a part of a process at runtime.The input data is retrieved and the values are set in the component controller’s context.

Method execute()

public void execute( context )


    //@@begin execute()

   m_context = context;

   try {

      //get root input structure

      IGPStructure input = m_context.getInputStructure();


      //get input structure "items" of type list

      Collection inputParams = input.getStructures(CContextInterface.STRUCTURE_ITEMS);


      double amount = 0;

      String amountAsString = null;

      int numberOfItems = 0;


      //process input structure

      for (Iterator iter = inputParams.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {


         IGPStructure structure = (IGPStructure);

         double price = structure.getAttributeAsDouble(CContextInterface.PARAM_PRICE);

         int quantity = structure.getAttributeAsInt(CContextInterface.PARAM_QUANTITY);


         amount = amount + (price * quantity);

         numberOfItems = numberOfItems + quantity;



      //format price for ui

      amountAsString = new DecimalFormat("#0.00").format(amount);


      IPublicWDCOApproveItems.IContextElement currentContextElement = wdContext.currentContextElement();




      //process root parameter "purchaserLastName"



      //process root parameter "purchaserFirstName"



   } catch (GPInvocationException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_PROCEEDING_PARAMETERS");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));




     Implementing method approve()

This method sets the result state of the callable object to RESULT_STATE_APPROVED, and indicates that the execution of the callable object is completed by calling the execution context’s method processingComplete().

If the callable object defined output parameters, you would have used this method to set their values as well.

Method approve()

public void approve( )


    //@@begin approve()

   try {



   } catch (GPInvocationException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_SETTING_RESULTSTATE");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));

   } catch (GPEngineException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_INTERNAL");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));




     Implementing method reject()

This method sets the result state of the callable object to RESULT_STATE_REJECTED, and indicates that the execution of the callable object is completed by calling the execution context’s method processingComplete().

Method reject()

public void reject( )


    //@@begin reject()

   try {



   } catch (GPInvocationException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_SETTING_RESULTSTATE");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));

   } catch (GPEngineException e) {

      String localizedMessage = m_TextAcc.getText("ERROR_INTERNAL");

      wdThis.wdGetWDCOApproveItemsInterfaceController().wdFireEventTechnicalException(new GPTechnicalCallableObjectException(logger, localizedMessage, e));




Interface Controller

The implementation of the interface controller is analogous to the one described for the WDCODisplaySelectItems component. For more information, see WDCODisplaySelectItems.

User Interface

The user interface of the component is implemented in view VApproveItems. The view is embedded in WebDynproCO that has been created when adding the implemented interface.


The WDCOApproveItems component controller is required for the implementation of the user interface part.


The following value attributes are defined in the view’s context, and are mapped to the relevant attributes in the component controller’s context:





In addition, an attribute orderText is defined, which is used for specific implementation purposes, as described in the Implementation section below.


The following actions are defined for this view:



The action usage is described in the Layout section below. The implementation of the event handlers is further shown in the Implementation section.


The view’s layout includes the following UI elements:

     Header – contains the heading of the page.

     TextView – the text in the text view is dynamically set in the wdDoModifyView()method using the orderText context attribute.


     Approve Order – the button references the Approve action in its Event property, so that the relevant event handler is invoked when the button is chosen. The event handler implementation is described in the Implementation section below.

     Reject Order  – the button references the Reject action in its Event property, so that the relevant event handler is invoked when the button is chosen. The event handler implementation is described in the Implementation section below.


In the Implementation tabstrip the following methods are implemented:


The method sets the value of the orderText context attribute when the page is loaded. The text is localized using the component’s message pool.

The parameters to be replaced in the text are provided in an object array. These are the purchaser’s first and last name, the ordered items number, and the total price. They are retrieved from the component’s context. In the process flow, the values of the input parameters are taken from the previously executed callable object (Order Items) by means of parameter mapping.

Method wdDoModifyView()

public static void wdDoModifyView(IPrivateVApproveItems wdThis, IPrivateVApproveItems.IContextNode wdContext, view, boolean firstTime)


    //@@begin wdDoModifyView


    //create and set text for text view

   String amountAsString      = wdContext.currentContextElement().getAmount();

   String purchaserName       = wdContext.currentContextElement().getPurchaserLastName();

   String purchaserFirstName = wdContext.currentContextElement().getPurchaserFirstName();

   String textOrder        = null;


   //if purchaserFirstName is not filled forward empty string

   if(purchaserFirstName == null){

      purchaserFirstName = "";


   Object[] objArray = new Object[]{



      new Integer(wdContext.currentContextElement().getNumberOfItems()),


   textOrder = wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getTextAccessor().getText(TEXT_ORDER, objArray);






The required behaviour of the event handler is to set the result state to RESULT_STATE_APPROVED and to complete the execution of the callable object. For that purpose, it calls the approve() method of the component controller.

Method onActionApprove()

public void onActionApprove( wdEvent )


    //@@begin onActionApprove(ServerEvent)





The required behaviour of the event handler is to set the result state to RESULT_STATE_REJECTED and complete the execution of the callable object. For that purpose, it calls the reject() method of the component controller.

Method onActionReject()

public void onActionReject( wdEvent )


    //@@begin onActionReject(ServerEvent)





For more information about the component’s usage in the process, see Approve Items.

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