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The following are key terms for describing the navigation tag library:

·        Current Node: In an iterator tag, the node that is exposed during the current iteration.

·        Selected Node: The node that the end user selected by clicking a navigation link, generally within a navigation iView.

·        Nodes in the Selected Path: The set of nodes in the current user’s navigation tree that form the path from the initial nodes to the selected nodes.

For example, if the user selects Content Administration Users Create User, all three nodes are in the selected path, and Create User is the selected node.

The following tags work with the nodes in the selected path:

¡        iterateNavNodesInSelectedPath: Iterates through the nodes in the selected path.

In the example above, the tag would iterate three times, first exposing the Content Administration node, then the Users node, and then the Create Users node.

¡        iterateSelectedNavNodesLevel: Iterates through the siblings of the node in the selected path on a specified level.

In the example above, if level 2 is specified, then the tag would iterate through the children nodes of the Content Administration node (that is, the Users node and its siblings).

·        Launched Node: The node that was launched because of the most recent navigation.

Generally, the launched node is the same as the selected node, but can be different. For example, if the user selects a folder node, the launched node is the first child node of the folder that is a page or iView.


The following is an example of a partial navigation tree for the super admin role.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

·        If the user clicks the Create User link, the Create User node is the selected node, as well as the launched node.

The nodes shown in bold are the nodes in the selected path. The iterateNavNodeInSelectedPath tag iterates through these nodes. The iterateSelectedNavNodesLevel tag, with level 2 specified, iterates through the Level 2 nodes displayed (which are the children of the User Administration node).

·        If the user clicks the Users link, the Users node is the selected node, and the Create User node is the launched node (because it is the first page or iView child of the Users node).



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