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Javadoc OptionsLocate this document in the navigation structure


All Boolean options such as accept the following values:

  • true|false

  • on|off

  • yes|no

Options of the Standard doclet or Javadoc tool not mentioned in the following list are either not supported (for example, -help , -nodeprecated , and so on), are calculated automatically by the DC build framework (for example, -classpath , -sourcepath , -d , and so on), or are irrelevant in a DC build environment (for example, -tagletpath ).

Options Controlling the Rendering of HTML Javadoc (relevant for build of single DCs and tc/bi/jdoctec)





(default: off ) Enables the rendering of annotations for all symbols. By default, only annotations of annotations (meta-annotations) are rendered. See also

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Enables the rendering of @author tags.

For more information, see the -author option of the Javadoc command.


Specifies text to be rendered at the bottom of each output file. The value may contain HTML tags and white space.

Example:; <i>EXAMPLE.ORG</i>

renders a copyright symbol followed by a text in italics.

For more information, see the -bottom option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a CSS style to be assigned to the bottom text. Note that this option is not available for the Standard doclet.


renders the bottom text in blue.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


(default: UTF-8) Specifies the HTML character set. Note that the charset determines the encoding of the generated HTML files, as well as the charset parameter of the Content-Type meta tag in the generated HTML documents.

For more information, see -charset and -docencoding options of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the connection parameters for a given link destination. This option may be defined multiple times. Format:<extdocURL> [param=value][;param=value]*

where X is a number (starting with 1). If there is only one connect option, the number can be omitted. If an asterisk (*) is specified as <extdocURL>, the connection settings are applied to all link and linkoffline options. Currently the following connection parameters are supported:

proxy=<proxyHost>[:<proxyPort>] - the host/port of a proxy to use

timeout=<timeout-in-ms> - the timeout in milliseconds to wait for a response

Examples:* proxy=proxy:1080;timeout=1000 proxy=proxy:1080;timeout=1000

defines the proxy (proxy:1080) and timeout (1 second) for all connections (*) or connections to, respectively. If not explicitly set, <proxyPort> is assumed to be 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies the title to be placed near the top of the overview-summary.htm l file. The value may contain HTML tags and white space. Note that the deprecated -title option of the Standard doclet is not supported by this tool.

For more information, see the -doctitle option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a CSS style to be assigned to the document title text.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies a document identifier to be rendered as HTML comment near the top of each generated Javadoc HTML file. The value must be a valid content of an XML <!-- --> comment tag.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies text to be rendered right to the lower navigation bar. The value of this option may contain HTML tags and white space.

For more information, see the -footer option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a CSS style to be assigned to the footer text.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies a group of packages that belong together and that should be rendered in a separate table on the overview-summary page. This option may be defined multiple times.

Format:<group-header> <package-pattern>[:<package-pattern>]*

where X is a number (starting with 1).

If there is only one group option, the number can be omitted. The <group-header> is rendered as a table heading for a group on the overview-summary.html page. If it contains white space, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Each <package-pattern> denotes a package or, if it ends with an asterisk (*), a set of packages, respectively.

Note that a definition such as java.lang.* matches only subpackages of java.lang , while java.lang* would also match java.lang itself. Packages that do not match any group option are collected in a group named Other Packages . If no group option is defined, all packages are collected in a single table named Packages .

Example:"A header with blank" java.lang.*:org.example*

would render a table with the header A header with blank containing all symbols in subpackages of java.lang (but not symbols in java.lang itself, such as java.lang.String ), and all symbols in package and all of its subpackages.

For more information, see the -group option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies text to be rendered right to the upper navigation bar. The value may contain HTML tags and white space.

For more information, see the -header option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a CSS style to be assigned to the header text.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies a link to existing Javadoc documentation. The given URL is resolved during HTML generation and either a .symbols file (preferred) or package-list file is downloaded and subsequently used to resolve symbols. This option may be defined multiple times.


where X is a number (starting with 1). If there is only one link option, the number can be omitted. The parameter <extdocURL> must be a valid URL.

Only the protocols http:// and file:// are supported. Note that it is possible to set connection parameters (for example, the proxy to use) with the connect option.


would link the generated Javadoc to the Javadoc of JDK5.


Link options should be used with care in an automated build environment such as CBS. Since DC builds run isolated from each other and cannot share information or files, required package-list or .symbols files are downloaded repeatedly for each new build of a DC for which the build option is set. In particular, link options should never be defined globally on track level, if Javadoc generation is switched on for a large number of DCs. The linkoffline option should be used instead to reference package-list files, for example, on a file share or checked in package-list files in a DC using the tc/bi/jdoctech build plug-in extension.

For more information, see the -link option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a link to existing Javadoc documentation. In contrast to the link option, the location of the .symbols or package-list file required to resolve links to third-party can differ from the given link URL. In particular, this option can be used to reference the checked-in package list or .symbols files in a DC using the tc/bi/jdoctech build plug-in extension to collect JDAR archives from various other DCs and to generate HTML Javadoc out of it. This option may be defined multiple times.

Format:<extdocURL> <packagelistloc>

where X is a number (starting with 1). If there is only one linkoffline option, the number can be omitted. The parameter <extdocURL> must be a valid URL for which the JDK has a suitable protocol handler. Common protocols are http:// , https:// , and file:// . The parameter <packagelistloc> must be a path relative to one of the declared package folders of the current DC and end with either package-list or .symbols , or it must be an absolute path or a file share.

Example: api/package-list

would search for a subfolder api in all packages folders of a DC for the file package-list and use that to resolve links to .

For more information, see the -linkoffline option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the locale for the generated HTML content.

For more information, see the -locale option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the target location for locally resolvable symbols in a .symbols file generated by this tool.


The parameter <extdocURL> must be a valid URL for which the JDK has a suitable protocol handler. Common protocols are http:// , https:// , and file:// .

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) If enabled, malformed Javadoc comments are marked with the label MALFORMED[...] in red in the generated Javadoc HTML. This helps with detecting unclosed HTML tags or malformed Javadoc tags, for example.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


Specifies the maximum number of index entries for a single-page global index. If the number of index entries exceeds maxIndexSize the global index is split into multiple pages, that is, one index page per letter.

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Enables the rendering of annotations for members of symbols. By default, only annotations of annotations (meta-annotations) are rendered. See also:

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of remote links with the attribute target="_blank" .

This option is not available for the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of javadoc comments.

For more information, see the -nocomment option of the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of the deprecated-list.html file.

For more information, see the -nodeprecatedlist option of the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of a global index and the corresponding Index link in the navigation bar.

For more information, see the -noindex option of the Standard doclet.


Suppresses the rendering of navigation bars.

For more information, see the -nonavbar option of the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of @since tags.

For more information, see the -nosince option of the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Suppresses the rendering of class/interface hierarchy pages and the corresponding Tree link in the navigation bar.

For more information, see the -notree option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the path/file name of a file that should be used as overview-summary.htm l. The given path must be relative to one of the declared source or package folders of the current DC.

For more information, see the -overview option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a semi-colon (;) separated list of public parts (purpose infrastructure ) that contain taglet implementations.


where <pp-reference> must be of the form <vendor>/<name>:<public-part-name> .


would search for a taglet class with name org.example.taglets.TodoTaglet in the public part def of DC . Note that the referenced public parts must declare the purpose infrastructure , so that they can be loaded by the build plug-in runtime. Suitable containers for taglets are DCs of type Build Infrastructure Extension that define the necessary infrastructure public part out of the box, but otherwise can be developed like ordinary Java Libraries.


Specifies additional resources to be copied to the resources directory of generated HTML Javadoc. The value of this property is a colon (:) separated list of individual resource files or directories containing resources. All files in a given directory are copied, but subdirectories are ignored.


where <path-or-file> denotes a file or a directory path relative to one of the declared source or package folders of the current DC.

This option is not available for the Standard


(default: off ) Specifies that the index should be split into multiple index pages regardless of the overall size of the index.

For more information, see the -splitindex option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the path/filen ame of an alternative CSS stylesheet file replacing the built-in styles.css file. The given path must be relative to one of the declared source or package folders of the current DC.

For more information, see the -stylesheetfile option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies a comma-separated list of suppress options. Supported values are:

  • blanktarget (equivalent to option noblanktarget )

  • comments (equivalent to option nocomments )

  • deprecatedlist (equivalent to option nodeprecatedlist )

  • index (equivalent to option noindex )

  • navbar (equivalent to option nonavbar )

  • since (equivalent to option nosince )

  • corbaobject (equivalent option nocorbaobject )

  • tree (equivalent to -notree )


would suppress the rendering of the navigation bars at the top and bottom of HTML pages and the global index.


Specifies the formatting options and placement for a custom taglet. This option may be defined multiple times.

Format:<tag-name> <flags> "<caption>"

where X is a number (starting with 1). If there is only one tag option, the number can be omitted. The parameter <flags> defines where in the source code the tag can be used and must be a comma-separated list of the following tokens:

  • all -- tag is allowed for all Java elements and for the overview page

  • overview -- tag is allowed for the overview page

  • packages -- tag is allowed in package.html and files)

  • types -- tag is allowed for symbols (classes, interfaces,...)

  • constructors -- tag is allowed for constructors

  • methods -- tag is allowed for methods

  • fields -- tag is allowed for fields

  • disable -- tag is disabled, that is, should not be rendered

The parameter <caption> defines the caption to render for tags of the given tag name. The value may contain HTML tags and white space, but must be included in double quotes (") in this case.

For more information, see the -tag option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the name of a taglet implementation. This option may be defined multiple times.


where X is a number (starting with 1). If there is only one taglet option, the number can be omitted. For more information about developing and integrating custom taglets into the DC build environment, see the option.

For more information about taglets and the taglet API in general, see the documentation of the Standard doclet.


(default: off ) Enables the rendering of @version tags.

For more information, see the -version option of the Standard doclet.


Specifies the title to be placed in the HTML <title> tag.


The value of this option should not contain HTML tags since some browsers do not render that correctly.

For more information, see the -windowtitle option of the Standard doclet.

Options Controlling Logging and Behavior in Case of Errors (relevant for building single DCs and tc/bi/jdoctech)





(default: info ) Specifies the level of logging details.


(default: off ) Suppresses non-error and non-warning log messages. Equivalent to .

For more information, see the -quiet option of the Javadoc command.


(default: off ) Provides detailed information about the generation process. Equivalent option .

For more information, see the -verbose option of the Javadoc command.


(default: off ) Specifies whether the build should fail with a build error, if an issue with at least loglevel=warning is encountered. Otherwise, the generation continues and only the erroneous part is skipped.

Options of the Javadoc Compiler (not supported by tc/bi/jdoctech, but by the build of single DCs)





(default: protected ) Specifies the access modifier Java symbols and members must at least be included in the generated Javadoc documentation.


advises the Javadoc compiler to show only package private , protected , and public symbols and members. This option maps to the -public , -protected , -package , and -private options of the Javadoc command.


(default: off ) Enables the usage of java.text.BreakIterator for the extraction of the first line of Javadoc comments.

For more information, see the -breakiterator option of the Javadoc command.


(default: UTF-8 ) Specifies the encoding of source files.

For more information, see the -encoding option of the Javadoc command.


(default: standard ) Specifies the output formats to be produced by the SAP's Javadoc doclet. The value of this option is a comma-separated list of the constants:

  • jdar - generates JDAR archives that are the prerequisite for producing HTML Javadoc for larger software units, such as software components

  • html - uses an enhanced HTML generator to produce HTML Javadoc

  • classic - uses the Standard doclet provided with the JDK to generate HTML Javadoc

The value standard is a shortcut for the combination jdar,html and is the default one. Note that html and classic cannot be used together, and classic is ignored in that case. If using formats=html , the generated HTML Javadoc may differ from that generated by the Standard doclet and some options may behave differently (for example, -tag , -link , -linkoffline ). This is not a defect, but a consequence of the innovative manner of producing Javadoc supported by the SAP's Javadoc doclet.

If compatibility is a major concern, formats=classic should be used. The SAP's Javadoc doclet then forks to the Standard doclet internally and the generated HTML is that of the Standard doclet. Note, however, that the output produced by the Standard doclet for a certain DC comprises only symbols contained in that DC, and it is not possible to aggregate Javadoc from multiple DCs. This is a consequence of developing in a component model: components expose binary artifacts (for example, public part archives), not source code. This is not specific to the SAP's DC model, but is usually considered to be a central ingredient of any design time component model. However, binary artifacts no longer contain Javadoc comments, so the Javadoc compiler has nothing to compile. The SAP's Javadoc doclet circumvents this problem by producing an intermediate Javadoc format (JDAR archives analog to JAR archives) that can be collected from multiple DCs and be used to generate HTML Javadoc independently of the build of those DCs. A dedicated HTML generator included in the SAP Javadoc doclet (and the tc/bi/jdoctech plugin) is necessary to facilitate the conversion.


Specifies the maximum heap size for the Javadoc tool and the doclet.

For more information, see the -Xmx JVM parameter.


Specifies the version of the source code accepted.

For more information, see -source option of the Javadoc command.

Javadoc Options Controlling the Packaging of Generated Javadoc (supported by tc/bi/jdoctech, but not for the build of single DCs)





(default: "" ) Specifies the name of the archive for the generated HTML content.


(default: off ) Specifies that the generated HTML content should be compressed as a ZIP archive. The name of the archive can be specified with the archiveName option (default is ). The compression level can be set with the compressLevel option.


(default: 5 ) Specifies the compression level of the ZIP archive with HTML content. Must be a number between 0 (no compression) and 9 (best compression).


(default: "javadoc" ) Specifies the name of a public part to use as the destination for the generated Javadoc HTML content. If this option is not specified, the build plug-in searches for an assembly public part with name javadoc .


(default: "javadoc" ) Specifies the path prefix of generated Javadoc HTML output in a WAR archive.


(default: off ) Specifies that a standalone Javadoc archive should be generated and copied to the public part specified with the javadocPP option.