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The check mode determines how an aggregate is checked.


You have the following options for checking the aggregates of an InfoCube. The following table provides an overview.

Check Mode Description


For the full check, the system builds the aggregate again from the InfoCube as an internal table and compares it with the data of the aggregate in the database, record by record. This check can take a lot of time, but it offers the highest level of security.

Selection Options

For the restricted check, you can set restrictions for characteristics on the Characteristic Restrictions When Checking Aggregates screen. You can only select those characteristics that exist in the aggregate and do not have hierarchies or fixed value restrictions defined for them. The system runs the check in the same way as it runs the full check, but only for InfoCube or aggregate data that meets the defined restrictions. Depending on how strict the restrictions are, this check can be considerably quicker than the full check.

This type of check is particularly useful in the following case: If the data in the aggregate only changes in a particular time frame, you can restrict the dataset considerably by restricting the check to this time frame.


For the aggregated check, the system aggregates all the characteristics in the InfoCube and aggregate and compares the result of each key figure. This check is 3-4 times quicker than the full check but does not provide the same level of security.

You cannot perform this check for the following aggregates:

  • Aggregates of non-cumulative InfoCubes
  • Aggregates with fixed values
  • Aggregates with a hierarchy that is not unique or a hierarchy that does not have non assigned nodes.

Check Aggregate

For the check with check aggregates, the system creates a check aggregate that is aggregated using all characteristics. A check aggregate of this type is created for each fixed value combination that occurs in the aggregates you have selected. The check aggregates are filled from the InfoCube and are always modified during roll up or deletion. The check checks that the key figure totals agree. This check is very quick, but it cannot find every potential inconsistency in the aggregates.

You cannot create check aggregates for the following aggregates:

  • Aggregates of non-cumulative InfoCubes
  • Aggregates with fixed values for a navigation attribute
  • Aggregates with a hierarchy that is not unique or a hierarchy that does not have non assigned nodes.