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Test EnvironmentLocate this document in the navigation structure


The main function of the test environment of the Adapter Engine is to test the settings of the individual adapters (JMS, File/FTP, JDBC, SOAP). It is possible to create test variants and to save these in the Adapter Engine.


You have installed the Adapter Engine and the adapter you require, started the Adapter Engine and called it using your web browser. On the configuration screen , you have chosen the menu option Test Environment and the system now displays the menu with the same name.


There are three ways of sending client-side messages using HTTP in the test environment.

  • The first message type is general MIME messages.

    The test interface receives a single part MIME message in text format and sends it to a specified address on the Internet.It comprises two input areas:

    • In the first input window, enter the parameters for the HTTP header in the same way that you entered the adapter parameters. In particular, you can set the value for XI.TargetURL, for example:
      • XI.TargetURL=
    • In the second input window, specify the payload you want to send. The payload and the body of the HTTP request are identical.

    With this test, you can easily generate JMS text messages using the mode JMSTunneling, with the JMS adapter, for example.

  • The second message type is Integration Engine messages.

    The test interface receives messages of this type with a text payload.It comprises two input areas:

    • In the first input field, enter the data that you want to put in the message header.

      You set the parameters of the header data in the same way you set the parameters of the JMS file/FTP adapter or JDBC adapter.

    • In the second input field, specify the text payload you want to send.

    With this test, you can easily either send a message to the Integration Engine, or simulate a sending Integration Engine (for example, to test the configuration of an adapter), for example.

  • The third message type is simple Web Service or SOAP messages.

    The test interface receives messages of this type with a text payload.It comprises two input areas.

    • In the first input field, enter the data that you want to put in the HTTP header. In particular, you can set the values for WS.targetURL and WS.SOAPAction, for example:
      • WS.targetURL=
      • WS.SOAPAction=
    • In the second input field, specify the sender payload you want to send.

    Using this test it is very easy to send a Web Service message to a SOAP adapter (for example to test the configuration of the adapter), for example.


If you have set the data correctly, choose Send Message to generate and send the message for all three text variants.

The system then sends you a review of the send procedure (Send Review).The upper output field contains the generated and sent data; the lower output field contains the received data or a specific error text, in the case of an error.

To load or delete a test variant, choose Load variant. To save a test variant as a default variant, choose Save variant as.

The variant sap_default is shipped by SAP and cannot be deleted or saved under the same name. If you attempt to save sap_defaultthe system creates a new variant with the name default.


As an example of the second message type, a message for the Integration Engine is generated from the following header data and payload and sent to the following address:


Header Data











Content type: Multipart/Related; boundary=4859e1d0-1ef1-11d6-a1c4-6fda44caeb12

Content length: 1495


Content type: text/xml

Content length: 1189

<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="">


<sap:MessageHeader xmlns:sap="" version="1.0" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">



<sap:Interface namespace="">ExtAdapterSenderIF</sap:Interface>




<sap:Interface namespace="">ExtAdapterReceiverIF</sap:Interface>






<sap:TraceLevel file="mytrace.trc">1</sap:TraceLevel>

<sap:Logging file="mylog.log">1</sap:Logging>





<sap:Manifest xmlns:sap="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.0">

<sap:Payload xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="">







Content type: text/plain

Content length: 22

Content ID:




The system displays the sent and the received message in the screen Send Review.