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Generating the Composed ServiceLocate this document in the navigation structure


Generation is the process of producing development artifacts. During the generation process, the service flow models are being translated to Java (EJB) files, which are transformed to class files during the build. With this they become a runtime executable. The generation process allows the composed service to be consumed later on. You have to perform the generation for each composed service.

The input data for the generation process is gathered from the following:

  • Composed service interface (WSDL document).

  • Consumed service interface(s) (WSDL documents).

  • Models produced by modeling (service flow, data transformations, and mappings).

  • Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) / Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) external customizing bindings, if any, are available in the application.


Before each build, or after a change in your composed service, you have to trigger generation of the composed service.


Manually Starting the Generation Process

To start the generation process:

  1. Open the context menu of the service composer project.

  2. Choose Start of the navigation path Development Component Next navigation step Generate End of the navigation path.

The new composed service EJBs are generated. Then they are automatically exposed as Web services. For more information about testing the service behavior after it is exposed, see Testing Web Services in the Web Services Navigator .

Automating the Generation Process

You can make the generation process an automatic step to be executed upon diagram save. To do that:

  1. From the menu path choose Start of the navigation path Window Next navigation step Preferences End of the navigation path and open the Service Composition preference page.

  2. Select the Start generation upon diagram save checkbox. Apply the changes and close the dialog.

Changing the EJB Generation Type

You can change the type of the generated EJBs from the default JAX-WS generation type to the Service Data Objects (SDO) type.

  1. Navigate to the Service Composer perspective and open the Project Explorer view.

  2. From the menu path of the service composition project, choose Properties . Choose Service Composition .

  3. Under EJB interface type used for generation of composed services choose the type of EJB you want to be generated during the generation process.

Stopping Automatically Exposing the Generated EJBs as Web Services

You can cancel the automatic exposure of the generated EJBs as Web services:

  1. Navigate to the Service Composer perspective and open the Project Explorer view.

  2. From the menu path of the service composition project, choose Properties . Choose Service Composition .

  3. Make sure that the Automatically expose the composed service as a Web service checkbox is not selected.