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Archiving Link Entries (BC-SRV-ARL)Locate this document in the navigation structure

Archiving Link Entries (BC-SRV-ARL)


The archiving object ARCHIVELNK is used to archive ArchiveLink link entries.


A link entry is a unique reference from a document stored in an external storage system (using ArchiveLink) to a business object generated in the SAP application component.

To create the link between the business objects in the SAP application and the documents in the external storage system, you must carry out the following administrative tasks in the SAP System:

  • Definition of document types
  • Definition of storage systems
  • Assignment of document types and object types to storage systems and link tables

The business object is assigned to the corresponding stored document in the link table in the database.

You can specify an expiry date for each link entry. When the expiry date is reached, you can archive the link entry/entries and delete them from the database using the ADK archiving transaction.


When you implement the archiving object ARCHIVELNK , data from the various ArchiveLink link tables is archived. For information on table names and the number and names of link entries, choose Tools → Business Documents, → Miscellaneous → Stored Documents → Stored documents → Expiry date → Display or Analyze.

The following functions are available for ARCHIVELNK :









To call the transaction for archiving link entries, choose Tools → Administration → Administration → Archiving .