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Working with the BPM APIsLocate this document in the navigation structure


With the Business Process Management (BPM) application programming interfaces (APIs), you can customize and enhance the way you use business processes and execute tasks.

To be able to use the BPM APIs, you need to add to your project the necessary dependencies to the following development component:

  • tc/bpem/facade/ear (public part api ) in software component BPEM-FACADE .

  • tc/je/sdo21/api in software component ENGFACADE .

For a detailed description of the BPM public APIs, see

The following table lists the tasks you can execute using the BPM APIs:


Related Documentation

Build your own task worklist

Building a Task Worklist with the BPM API

Build your own task execution UI

Building an Execution UI with the BPM API

Start a process

Starting a Process with the BPM API