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Setting the Environment Variable NSR_ENVLocate this document in the navigation structure


The configuration file for NetWorker file contains several values which are evaluated by DBM server to find and use the networker executables. To enable Database Manager and Loader on the database computer to access the configuration file for NetWorker, define the absolute path of the file in the environment variable NSR_ENV using Database Manager CLI. If you do not set the the NSR_ENV variable, the system uses the default value for the location of the configuration file.

DBM server uses the following strategy to identify the location of the NetWorker configuration file


  1. Search for a value named NSR_ENV in the dbm.cfg configuration file of DBM server

  2. Search for a value named Set_Variable_<n>=NSR_ENV= in the dbm.cfg configuration file of DBM server

  3. Search for the env configuration file in the default path

    Operating System




    Microsoft Windows

    C:\Program Files\nsr\sapdb\env


> dbmcli -d <database_name> -n <database_computer> -u <dbm_operator>,<dbm_operator_password> dbm_configset -raw NSR_ENV <value>




Value of the environment variable NSR_ENV


> dbm_configset Set_Variable_1 NSR_ENV=D:\sapdb\nsr\nsr.env

Resulting entry in the dbm.cfg configuration file of DBM server:


More Information

Database Manager CLI, dbm_configset