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 Chart TypesLocate this document in the navigation structure


The chart type defines how your data is displayed graphically.

The chart types can be divided into four classes with respect to processing. With chart types of the same class, the rows and columns of the underlying table (that is, of the data provider) are processed immediately.


The class to which each chart type belongs is listed below. Before you publish a chart, you need to specify which chart type you want to display. You can determine how the data provider is to be built by using the class of the chart type. You can then select an existing query or formulate a new query with which the appropriate view of the data can be created; this is the appropriate data provider.

List of Chart Types and Corresponding Classes

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5

Line chart

Profile chart

Column chart

Bar chart

Doughnut chart

Radar chart

Area chart

Profile area chart

Pie chart

Polar chart


Split pie chart

Scatter Chart

Time scatter chart




Gantt chart

Milestone trend analysis (MTA)

Delta chart (waterfall chart)


Chart Variants


Most of the charts listed here can be displayed with various dimensions:

  • 2 dimensions
  • 2.5 dimensions (limited three-dimensionality)
  • 3D (regular three-dimensionality)

Bar and column charts can be converted into pyramid, cone, or cylinder diagrams in 2.5D and 3D mode (see Formatting 3D Effects ).


There is also a 'stacked' variant for line, column, bar, profile, and radar charts. This values of the data series are added and displayed on top of one another in a category.

Stacked charts display the relationship between individual elements and the total of all values.


You can also set 100% variants for line, profile, column, bar, area, and profile charts. The sum of all data series in a category is 100%. The values of individual data series are converted into percentage values and displayed accordingly.