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 Collection Renderer SettingsLocate this document in the navigation structure


A collection renderer is responsible for displaying multiple resources on the screen. It groups the various elements to be displayed and generates the screen display according to defined parameters.

The parameter definitions are defined in the configuration in the form of Collection Renderer Settings.


You specify the collection renderer settings in the definition of a layout set .


In Knowledge Management, there are various groups of collection renderers that you can configure:

  • Basic breadcrumb renderer settings
  • Basic collection renderer settings
  • Business card collection renderer settings
  • Collection grid renderer settings
  • Collection list renderer settings
  • Collection tab renderer settings
  • Collection tree renderer settings
  • HTML collection renderer settings
  • Image map renderer settings
  • Link list collection renderer settings
  • Room Directory Renderer Settings (used by the Collaboration component)
  • Search result renderer settings

These groups gather together collection renderers from different areas of usage. Each group is determined by special parameters.


Most parameters listed under Basic Collection Renderer Settings and Collection Renderer Settings are also used by the other collection renderer settings.

Only the parameter Name is obligatory.

Many parameters have selection options that are generally valid:

Selection Effect


The settings are adopted from the next level down (for example, the default layout profile).

Not set

Initial value of a parameter.

If Not set is selected and a collection renderer is specified in Base Settings (rndBaseSettings), the settings of that collection renderer are used.


The Parameter column in the tables below contains the name of the parameters as displayed on the interface followed by the technical name where appropriate. You need these technical names for specifications in the object type handler (OTH).

Parameters of the Basic Collection Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description


Name of the collection renderer.


Description of the collection renderer.

Breadcrumb Style (rndBreadcrumbStyle)

Specifies how breadcrumbs are displayed.

A breadcrumb is a path and tree view in the upper end of the detailed navigation. It specifies the current location.

horizontal: The display is horizontal.

vertical: The display is vertical.

dropdown: A dropdown list is used for the display.

back: Used for the link list collection renderer. A Back button is displayed instead of a breadcrumb.

off: Breadcrumbs are not displayed.

Breadcrumb Visibility Style (rndBreadcrumbVisStyle)

Specifies how breadcrumbs are displayed.

no icon: Breadcrumbs are displayed without a symbol (for example, the folder symbol).

invisible: Breadcrumbs are not displayed - only the context menu is displayed (see Command Style for Root)

invisible root: No breadcrumb is displayed for the root directory - only the context menu is displayed.

disabled root: No breadcrumb or context menu is displayed for the root directory.

Mass Actions Style (rndMassActionStyle)

Specifies how a group of commands is to be displayed for several resources (see Menus ).

Height Adjustment Mode (rndResizeHeightStyle)

Specifies the behavior of the collection renderer if the height of the window is changed.

stretch: The height of the rows is adjusted in line with the new size of the window.

compact: The height of the rows remains constant when the size of the window changes.

See also: Row Spacing Style (rndRowSpacingStyle)

Width Adjustment Mode (rndResizeWidthStyle)

Specifies the behavior of the collection renderer if the width of the window is changed.

stretch: The width of the rows is adjusted in line with the new size of the window.

compact: The width of the rows remains constant when the size of the window changes.

See also: rndColumnSpacingStyle

Components (rndComponentsList)

Comma-separated specification of components that are displayed along with the collection.

The collection itself is treated as a component and described by the alias this.

You use modifiers to influence the display of components (see table below).

Base Settings (rndBaseSettings)

Specifies an existing collection renderer configuration whose settings are to be used as the basis of this collection renderer configuration.

The settings of the referenced collection renderer are overwritten by the current settings.


Specifies a flavor .

The possible flavors are defined in the layout controller that you specify in the definition of a layout set .

Mass Command Group (rndMassCommandGroup)

Specifies a command group that is valid for multiple resources.

Resource List Filter (rndResourceListFilter)

Specifies a resource list filter used for this collection renderer (see Filter Service for Resource Lists ).

Parameters of the Collection Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Background Image Path (rndBgImagePath)

Specifies a graphic that is used as the background image of the folder.

The image can be stored in the local directory /etc/public/mimes/images or in a subdirectory thereof.

Only specify the file name and subdirectory (if needed) in the input field.

You can also specify an Internet image.

For example, /mybackgrounds/background_1.gif

Property for Sorting (rndSortProperty)

Specifies the initial sort property.

Show Folder Name (rndShowFolderTitle)

Specifies whether the title of a folder is displayed.

This can be the name of the folder.

Show Hidden Resources (rndShowHidden)

Specifies whether hidden resources are displayed.

Background Image Style (rndBgImageStyle)

Specifies the manner in which a background image is displayed.

SINGLE: One instance of the background image is displayed in the center of the screen.

MULTIPLE: Multiple instances of the background image are displayed.

Column Header Coloring (rndPropertyColumnHeaderStyle )

Determines the appearance of column headers.

Menu Bar Color: The column headers are displayed in the same color as the menu bar.

Table Title Color: The column headers are displayed in the same color as the table title.

Transparent: The headers are transparent.

Other selection options are so-called semantic colors. The appearance of column headers can vary according to the chosen portal theme.

Column Spacing Mode (rndColumnSpacingStyle)

Specifies the spacing between two columns.

You have to enter the pixel specification in the Column Spacing (rndColumnSpacing) parameter.

minimum: The minimum spacing is [x] pixels. If the window size is increased, the spacing between the columns also increases.

fixed: The spacing always remains as [x] pixels

Command Style for Root (rndCollectionActionStyle)

Specifies how a group of commands is to be displayed for the root collection.

hover: The display of the commands takes place by clicking on the symbol .

link: The commands are displayed as text links on the user interface.

button: The commands are displayed as pushbuttons.

small button: The commands are displayed as little pushbuttons.

menu: The commands are displayed on the menu bar.

off: No display.

Files Selection (rndShowFilesStyle)

Specifies whether files and links are displayed.

all: Files and links to files are displayed.

no link: Only files are displayed.

only link: Only links are displayed.

off: No files or links to files are displayed.

Folders Selection (rndShowFoldersStyle)

Specifies whether folders and links to folders are displayed.

all: Folders and links to folders are displayed.

no link: Only folders are displayed.

only link: Only links are displayed.

off: No folders or links to folders are displayed.

Item Selection Mode (rndItemSelectionMode)

Specifies which entries are selected.

single: Only one entry can be selected from a collection of resources.

multiple: More than one entry can be selected.

single folder: Only one folder can be selected from a collection of resources.

singlefile: Only one document can be selected from a collection of resources.

multiplefolders: More than one folder can be selected from a collection of resources.

multiplefiles: More than one document can be selected from a collection of resources.

off: No entries can be selected.

Links Selection (rndLinksStyle)

Specifies the links to be displayed.

all: All internal and external links are displayed.

internal: Only internal links are displayed.

external: Only external links are displayed.

off: No links are displayed.

Row Background Style (rndRowBackgroundStyle)

Specifies how the background of a table row is displayed.

alternating: The background of every second row is the same color. The colors are defined in a style sheet.

transparent: No special color is used for the background of a row.

line_separated: The rows are separated by a thin line.

Row Spacing Mode (rndRowSpacingStyle)

Specifies the spacing between two rows.

You have to enter the pixel specification in the Row Spacing (rndRowSpacing) parameter.

minimum: The minimum spacing is [x] pixels. If the window size is increased, the spacing between the rows also increases.

fixed: The spacing always remains as [x] pixels

Column Spacing (rndColumnSpacing)

Specifies the spacing between two columns in pixels.

0means that there is no spacing between two columns.

See Column Spacing Mode (rndColumnSpacingStyle)

Number of Columns (rndColumns)

Number of columns per page for displaying the resources of a collection.

Number of Rows (rndRows)

Number of rows per page for displaying the resources of a collection.

Row Spacing (rndRowSpacing)

Specifies the spacing between two rows in pixels.

0means that there is no spacing between two rows.

See Row Spacing Mode (rndRowSpacingStyle)

Max. Links for Page Browser


Specifies the maximum number of additional page intervals displayed in the function for scrolling pages.

This function is used if not all items in a folder can be displayed on one page.

Extensions to be Filtered (rndFilterExtension)

List of extensions for files that can be filtered.

Use the prefix '-' to exclude extensions.

Example 1:  -jpg,gif

No graphics of the type JPG and GIF are displayed.

Example 2:  txt

Only text files are displayed.

Mime Types to be Filtered (rndFilterMimeType)

List of MIME types that are filtered.

Use the prefix '-' to exclude MIME types.

Resource Types to be Filtered (rndFilterResourceType)

List of resource types that are filtered.

Use the prefix '-' to exclude resource types.

Displayed Properties (rndPropertyColumns)

List of properties displayed in the columns.

For example, size, modified

See Predefined Properties and Displaying Properties .

Collection Command Group (rndCollectionCommandGroup)

Specifies a command group that is valid for the current folder (or for a list of search results).

Collection Renderer (rndCollectionRenderer)

Specifies the alias of the Java class that implements the collection renderer .

You can specify additional parameters for the following groups.

Additional Parameters of the Collection Tab Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Tab Body Flavor (rndTabBodyFlavor)

Specifies the flavor that is used for the content area of the tab.

Displayed Properties (rndPropertyColumns)

Specifies the properties that appear on the tabs for the tab pages.

By default, the folder name without a line break appears: rnd:displayname(NoWrapping)

Style Safe (rndTabStyleSafe)

Specifies whether the portal style sheet is used to display the text on the tabs for the tab pages.

Yes: The portal style sheet is used. Independent of the information in the Displayed Properties parameter, the subfolder name always appears on the tab. This ensures its readability.

No/Not Set: The information in the Displayed Properties parameter is interpreted by the assigned resource renderer and appears on the tab. The portal style sheet is not used. Therefore, the choice of portal theme affects the readability of the texts on the tabs.

Additional Parameters of the Collection Tree Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Target Window Type (rndOpenTargetType)

Specifies the window in which a resource is displayed when the resource is opened.

self: In the same window.

blank: In a new window.

fixed: In a previously defined window.

Initially Displayed Tree Level

Number of levels to be displayed in a tree when the tree view is displayed for the first time.

Maximum Children for Node (rndNoOfChildForNode)

Specifies the maximum number of entries that can be displayed for a level.

If there are more entries than specified, only the specified number are displayed, together with a link that displays all entries when you click it.

Display Mode for Open Nodes (rndOpenNodesStyle)

Specifies whether all levels of the tree view can be displayed in expanded form or only that last selected level.

expand any number of nodes: All levels that are open are displayed in expanded form.

expand last node only: Only the level last opened is displayed in expanded form.

Display in a Scroll Container (rndScrollContainer)

Specifies whether a separate scroll bar is displayed for the screen area containing the tree view, if there are more entries than can be displayed in the screen area.

Yes: A separate scroll bar is used.

No: A separate scroll bar is not used.

Additional Parameters of the Image Map Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Image Map (rndMap)

Specifies an image map .

Parameters of the Collection Grid Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Grid Ordering Mode (rndGridOrderStyle)

Specifies how resources can be sorted and displayed in a table.

rowmajor: Sort by row.

columnmajor: Sort by column.

Additional Parameters of the Business Card Collection RendererGroup

Parameter Description

Show User ID (rndShowUserId)

Specifies whether the user ID is displayed on the business card.

Show User Name (rndShowUserName)

Specifies whether the user name is displayed on the business card.

Additional Parameters of the Link List Collection Renderer Settings

Parameter Description

Header Text Style (rndHeaderTextStyle)

Specifies how directory names and descriptions are displayed in the header of a link list.

The available specifications are HTMLB styles that can be maintained using the style editor.

Additional Parameters of the Search Result Renderer Settings Group

Parameter Description

Sorting Mode (rndSortOrder)

Specifies the sort order.



Command Display (rndItemActionStyle)

Specifies how the commands for a resource are displayed (see Menus ).

Column Ordering Mode (rndGridOrderStyle)

Specifies how resources can be sorted and displayed in columns.

rowmajor: Sort by row.

columnmajor: Sort by column.

Syntax in the Components Parameter

Components are normally displayed in an 'invisible' table.

If you separate several components using commas, each component is displayed in a new column. To display multiple components in the same table cell, use the plus sign (+). If you want to specify multiple modifiers for a component, separate the modifiers with a forward slash (/).

Overview of Modifiers

Modifier Description


The component is displayed with left-alignment.


The component is displayed with right-alignment.


The component is displayed with center-alignment.

space-left= <numerical value>

Integer giving the indentation from the left, for example, space-left=10.

space-right= <numerical value>

Integer giving the indentation from the right.

space-top= <numerical value>

Integer giving the indentation from the top.

space-bottom= <numerical value>

Integer giving the indentation from the bottom.



Specifies the row and column in which the component is displayed.

You can combine multiple columns in a cell, for example, this([2;2-9]).

The above specification would result in the collection being displayed in the second row of the table in the columns 2 to 9.


Example of a specification in the Componentsparameter:



For an overview of the various groups of collection renderer settings, see Start of the navigation path Content Management Next navigation step User Interface Next navigation step Settings Next navigation step Collection Renderer Settings End of the navigation path. You can modify the configuration of collection renderers here, and you can also create your own collection renderer settings.