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Viewing LogsLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can view all alert messages by using the Fatal and Error functions. You can also view all logs per minute using the Logs per Min function.


You have started SAP NetWeaver Administrator and use the System Overview application.


Viewing Fatal and Error Logs

If the number of error or fatal logs is too high and the traffic light of the functions is red, proceed as follows:

  1. To investigate the error, choose View Logs from the context menu to open the Log Viewer tool.

  2. Determine which service or application is causing the error/fatal log.

  3. Restart the relevant application/service.

Viewing Logs per Minute

If the number of logs per minute is too high and the function traffic light is red, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose Configure Logs from the context menu of the function.

  2. In the Log Configuration tool, choose Tracing Locations from the Show dropdown box.

  3. In Location , enter and choose Go .

  4. Select the trace location " com " and change the severity state.

  5. Choose Copy to Sub-Tree and them Save Configuration to save the changes.