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Sorting Objects in Navigation iViewsLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can define the order in which objects appear in the navigation iViews. This topic describes how to sort objects in the following navigation iViews:

You define priorities by assigning a value between 0 and 100 to each item. The lower the value of the sort priority, the further left the navigation node appears in the second level of top-level navigation, or the higher up it displays in detailed navigation. The item with the lowest value appears to the far left or the top, respectively, and the others follow in the order of their priorities.


For usability, more frequently used nodes should be placed further to the left, or higher up; therefore, they should be assigned lower values. For example, 1 should be used as the priority value for items that are used daily, while 50 is more suitable for rarely-used items.

If you want to place two entry items next to each other, you can use decimal number priorities, for example, 1.1 and 1.2. The default value is 100.


  1. In the Portal Catalog, in the context menu of the object that you want to sort, choose Start of the navigation path Open Next navigation step Properties End of the navigation path.
  2. In the Properties editor, choose All to display the full list of object properties.
  3. Choose Modify Properties to activate the editor.
  4. Locate the Sort Priority property and enter a numeric value in the Value column.
  5. Save your changes, and in the same way, assign values to all the objects that you want at specific locations in the navigation iViews.
  6. In SAP NetWeaver Administrator, locate the application and the service navigation .
  7. In the Sort Collections property, set one of the following values:
    • 0 : Disables sorting.

    • 1 : Sorts nodes according to sort priority. This is the default value.

    • 2 : Sorts nodes alphabetically.

    • 3 : Sort nodes by sort priority and then alphabetically within the sort priority.

  8. Save and restart the service.

    If the navigation cache is enabled, clear the cache manually after making changes to the navigation service.

    For more information, see Caching Navigation Nodes .