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Event 22: Go to Long Text Maintenance for Other LanguagesLocate this document in the navigation structure


This event allows long text maintenance from the translation. In contrast to all other events, this event also affects the maintenance screen. When you assign the event to the maintenance dialog, a pushbutton with the icon Display/Change others appears after each entry in the "Texts in other languages" maintenance screen.

The event occurs when the user presses the pushbutton to go to the long text of the selected entry.


The long text is processed (display, database access, and so on) in the individual routine.


There are no standard routines for this event. In contrast to other events, the individual routines must conform to the following interface convention:

  • Input parameter M_MODE

    The parameter M_MODE is of type CHAR length 1. It specifies long text display or change mode.

    Possible Values:

    • 'R' = display only

      The maintenance dialog was called in display or transport mode, so the long text is only displayed.

    • 'U' = change

      The maintenence dialog was called in change mode, so the long text can be maintained.

  • Output parameter TEXT_WA

    The parameter is a structure which represents the text table work area. It contains the text table entry which the user chose by pressing the pushbutton. In TEXT_WA only the fields which are displayed on the maintenance screen are filled. Fields which are not displayed on the maintenance screen are thus also not filled in the parameter TEXT_WA. You can thus set a flag for the existence of a long text in the text table.

  • Output parameter MODIF

    The parameter is of type CHAR length 1. It copies changes made to the parameter TEXT_WA in the internal table <VIM_TEXTTAB> when the user returns from the long text maintenance. The parameter must therefore be set to 'X' in the routine if the parameter TEXT_WA has been changed, to guarantee copying.


    If the parameter TEXT_WA has been changed and the parameter MODIF not been set to 'X' the changes are not copied into the internal table <VIM_TEXTTAB>. If the parameter TEXT_WA has been modified, although the long text maintenance was called in display mode ('R'), the change is not copied even if the parameter MODIF has been set to 'X'.