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Change Project IMGLocate this document in the navigation structure


Scenario A

Scenario B

You have specified the project scope by manual selection in the Reference IMG.

You want to add or remove structure nodes to your Project IMG.

You have specified the project scope by selection of application components and countries.

You want to add or remove application components to your project IMG or change the country selection.


To change a Project IMG:

Scenario A

Scenario B

  1. Choose Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Customizing Next navigation step IMG Next navigation step Project Administration End of the navigation path.

    All existing customizing projects are listed.

  2. Position the cursor on the Customizing project whose scope you want to change.

  3. Choose Start of the navigation path Project Next navigation step Change End of the navigation path or the Change Project symbol below the project list.

    The project data are displayed in tab cards. You can change project data.

  4. To change the project scope and project IMG, choose the Scope tab.


Choose Specify project scope by manual selection in Reference IMG.


Choose Specify project scope by selecting application components and countries.


Click Specify Scope….

The structure of your project IMG is displayed. Selected structure nodes are highlighted.


To add or remove application components to your project IMG, choose Change Selection in the Application component group box.

The structure of your project IMG is displayed. Selected application components are highlighted.


To add or remove a structure node to the project IMG, position the cursor on it and choose Select+/-.


To remove an application component from the project IMG, deselect it.

To add an application component to the project IMG, select it.


When you have made your changes, choose Copy Selected Nodes.


Choose Continue.


Save the changed project data with Start of the navigation path Customizing Project Next navigation step Save End of the navigation path.


To change your country selection, choose Select countries for the project scope in the Countries group box.


Generate the changed project IMG with Generate project IMG.


To put more countries in your project IMG, select them in the list of Possible Countries, and put them in the Selected Countries list with Copy Countries into Selection.

To remove countries from your project IMG, select them in the Selected Countries list and put them back in the Possible Countries list with Delete Countries from Selection.


Save the changed project data with Start of the navigation path Customizing Project Next navigation step Save End of the navigation path.


Generate the changed project IMG with Generate Project IMG.

Specify whether to generate in the background in the Generate Project IMG dialog box.

If you had already created project views before your changes, you can generate them at the same time.