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Searching by Document PropertiesLocate this document in the navigation structure


This section describes the various ways of searching by document properties.

Users can enter or select properties in the search options in order to search for documents with particular properties.


The system uses the exact search method for these properties.

By default, when users enter a term into the search field , the system searches for this term in the title, description, and content of the document. Administrators can define additional properties to be searched in order to improve the search results. This allows you to improve the results using key words.


In this case, the system uses the same search method to search the document properties as used for the search field (that is, the method used to search titles, descriptions, can document content).


If you change document properties, the changes only have an effect on the search when the document is newly indexed. This can take a while to complete.

For example, if you change a document that was created by someone else and start a search for the documents you changed today immediately afterwards, the document might not yet appear in the results list.


This section describes how you can support the searching of document properties if a user enters a search term in the search field.

  1. As administrator, you define the document properties in the configuration ( Start of the navigation path Content Management  Next navigation step Global Services Next navigation step Property Metadata Service End of the navigation path).

    For more information, see Predefined Properties .

  2. You also define that the document properties are to be taken into account for the search. You do this is a set of search options.

    For more information, see Search Options ( SearchAddProps property).

  3. When an author or content manager uploads a document, he or she can assign values to the above document properties.

  4. When a user enters a search term into the search field and starts the search, the system searches for the search term in the defined properties. Document contents, titles, and descriptions are also searched for the search term.

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