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Status Monitor for the Integrated ITS FunctionLocate this document in the navigation structure


The status monitor for the integrated ITS (transaction SITSPMON) is used to display the current status of the integrated ITS functionality in the application server. You can display and change the currently set parameters. You can get information on the memory load, on the content of the ITS caches, on set locks, on activated features, and the ITS applet PSE.


The different pieces of information displayed on the screen are sorted by categories, which you can view using the respective tabstrip. Currently, the following display screens are available:

  • Parameter

  • Memory Statistics

  • Template and MIME Cache

  • Mutex Locks

  • HTML Template Directory

  • Feature List

  • BHTML Runtime

  • Applet PSE

  • Memory Trace


This page shows the current status of the ITS and the FeatureSet version.






An error occurred.


Serviced is switched off in the profile.


ITS program library could not be found.


ITS program library could not be loaded.


Initialization failed.


Wrong ITS program library version.


Wrong UNICODE ↔ non-UNICODE combination.


Memory has been overwritten.


A resource could not be assigned.

An additional list shows the ITS profile parameters, which all start with itsp/, and their current values.

If for a profile parameter a documentation has been maintained, you can display it by double-clicking the parameter name or by clicking the parameter and choosing with quicktip Profile Documentation. Choose Continue to exit the documentation subscreen.

Choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Call Transaction RZ11 End of the navigation path to switch to RZ11. If one of the parameters of the parameter list has been focused, the properties of this profile parameter are displayed directly.

Changing Parameters

You can change the parameters itsp/Traces/* and itsp/memory_check directly from the parameter tab page of program SITSPMON. Choose Change Parameters. From the displayed list, select the parameter to be changed, enter the new value in the New Value column and save your changes with Save Changes.


The changes you made are not permanent; they will be lost after a server restart.


The ITS status monitor also provides information on the memory required by the integrated ITS and on the lock status of the work process for the application server, to which you are currently logged on. To get this information, the value of parameter itsp/memory_check must be set to at least 1.

The screen is divided into an overview on memory consumption and detail views on the session memory consumption and the memory consumption of the individual work processes.

The memory consumption overview contains the following information:

  • Number of current sessions


    A session (external mode) is the amount of time during which a user actively communicates with one or more applications in the SAP Web AS. It starts with a system logon and ends when the user logs off (or is logged off from the system by a timeout mechanism).

  • The total amount of memory required by all sessions (in bytes)

  • The average amount of memory consumed per session (in bytes/session)

  • The maximum amount of memory consumed per session (in bytes)

  • The amount of memory consumed for the HTML templates (in bytes)

  • The total amount of memory consumed (in bytes)

    This value is the amount consumed from the kernel parameter em/global_area_MB.


    The parameter em/global_area_MB determines the memory area shared by all ABAP work processes of the SAP kernel. The integrated ITS uses this memory area for the runtime version of the HTML templates and the session information for all active sessions. The total amount of memory consumed thus consists of the memory required for the HTML templates plus the total amount of memory of all currently used sessions.

The overview screen contains a Details checkbox. When you mark it, the detail views for session and work process memory consumption are extended by additional entries.

The detail view for the session memory consumption contains for each ITS session information on memory type, maximum value, current memory consumption, total number of requested memory blocks, and currently occupied memory blocks. The unit of these values is bytes.

Memory Type



Session Memory

Shows the overall memory consumption



Memory consumption for the controls (and strings)


Imode - MM

Shows the so-called Imode memory (This memory is used only temporarily by the ITS during a request/response cycle)



Memory consumption in the Imode memory (see above) for the controls (and strings)


The detail view for the work process memory consumption contains for each configured work process information on memory type, maximum value, current memory consumption, total number of requested memory blocks and currently occupied memory blocks. The unit of these values is bytes.

Memory Type



Shared (EG)

Shows the percentage this work process uses of the global memory area


Malloc Mem

Work process memory used by the integrated ITS



The Current Memory Consumption column may show negative values. This is caused by the fact that the statistics is started only at the moment when the itsp/memory_check parameter is set. If this is done during operation, it is possible for a work process or session to release more memory during the (statistically evaluated) period than it has requested.

Template and MIME Caches

Both the HTML templates previously called by the ITS function (preparsed templates) and the called MIME files are stored by the application server in different caches for faster access.

On this screen, you can monitor the state of the HTML template caches and, if necessary, invalidate the template and MIME caches. The screen consists of three parts:

  1. Current status of the HTML template cache

    • Server name

    • Invalid from

    • Valid from

    • Status


      The cache remains invalid if the integrated ITS function is not (yet) active.

  2. Functions for invalidating the HTML template cache

    To delete the HTML template caches of all application servers assigned to this SAP system, choose Systemwide. To delete the HTML template caches on the application server, to which you are currently logged on, choose On this Application Server.

  3. Function for invalidating the MIME cache

    Choose Systemwide to invalidate the MIME cache of the Internet Communication Manager (ICM).


    Changes may become visible only after deleting the browser


    Template and MIME caches are invalidated automatically during publishing.

Mutex Locks

Mutex Locks (Mutual Exclusions) prevent competing access to resources. The integrated ITS function uses mutex locks for the HTML template cache, which exists only once for all work processes, to prevent the situation that a work process stores a new HTML template version in the HTML template cache while another work process processes an HTML template.

Apart from this, mutex locks are used for

  • Memory statistics

  • Individual HTML template cache entries

  • HTML Template Directory

HTML Template Directory

This screen is used to display the HTML template cache. For every template in the cache you will find an individual entry, consisting of HTML template name, IAC resource name, number of the cache slot, and language in which the template was called.


The specification for the browser used is included in the access path to the HTML template, for example, templates/system/dm/msiexplorer/d_main_include.html for MS Internet Explorer and templates/system/dm/nsnavigator/d_main_include.html for Netscape Navigator.

Changes to the cache itself cannot be made on this screen. Cache entries have no expiry date; they are deleted only if

  • You delete the cache manually (see screen Template and MIME Caches)

  • The cache is full.

    In this case, those entries are deleted first that have been used least recently ('least recently used' algorithm).

List of Features

With the integration of the ITS into the SAP Web Application Server (SAP WebAS) and with the storage of the HTML templates in the SAP WebAS database, a mechanism had to be developed that ensures compatibility.

A feature is available if it is implemented both in the kernel and in the HTML templates. The kernel availability of a feature is guaranteed by the implementation in the C++ part of the SAP Web AS, the availability in the templates is indicated by a table entry (included in the transport of the respective support package). Thus you can query the availability in C, ABAP and BHTML and encode it accordingly.

Coding included into the HTML template to query a feature (and use it if appropriate):

`if (issupported("Feature_XY")) do_code_for_Feature_XY(); else do_oldstuff(); end`

This screen contains a list of all available features, giving their names, the kernel availability (VK), the database availability (VD) and the information whether this feature must absolutely be available (VZ). If a feature must be available, then the ITS is started only if this feature is implemented in the HTML templates.

SAP Note 783540 Information published on SAP site describes the available features.

BHTML Runtime
A BHTML template can contain one or more functions. A running statistic can be displayed on this tab page, as well as the runtime length of the individual functions of BHTML templates.
Note This table is usually empty. To activate the statistics, the value of parameter itsp/SAPjulep/Profiling must be set to value 1 using transaction rz11.

Applet PSE

For local procedures, such as uploading and downloading files, executing programs or file and directory actions, the Web GUI accesses a trusted Java Applet.

The Java Applet uses a handshake procedure with the AS ABAP using the standard system Personal Security Environment (PSE) so that it can only be used in an SAP environment and so that SAP users themselves can define if they trust the applet and its origin or not.

If the standard system PSE is used for signing a DSA algorithm that the Java Applet does not understand, a PSE of its own can be created (see SAP Note 1746172 Information published on SAP site).

To ensure that the certificate of the ITS applet PSE is used for the handshake, profile parameter itsp/Security/ITSAppletPse must also be sent to 1.

The screen consists of three parts:

  • Check System PSE:

    It can be checked here if the system PSE uses a DSA algorithm that can be used for the handshake procedure. In addition to this, further properties of the SAP Cryptographic Library (SAPCryptolib) and the system PSE can be displayed for error analysis.

  • Manage ITS applet PSE:

    The additional PSE can be created here, deleted again, or be used to display its properties.

  • Display profile parameter:

    The value of the profile parameter itsp/Security/ITSAppletPse is displayed. In addition to this you can switch to transaction RZ10 (Edit Profiles) to change the parameter permanently.

You can also jump from this screen to transaction STRUST (Trust Manager) to manage the PSE further. To do this, choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Call Transaction STRUST End of the navigation path.

Memory Trace

General Functions

To refresh the current screen, choose Start of the navigation path Status Next navigation step Refresh End of the navigation path.

To switch to the overview of all work processes, choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Work Process Overview End of the navigation path.

To display the ICM monitor, choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step ICM Monitor End of the navigation path.

Memory Trace

Using function Memory Statistic (see above), the memory consumption of individual ITS sessions can be monitored. On the other hand, you can use the Memory Trace function to investiagte the cross-session memory consumption in a defined time period. Only one trace can run at one time for each client: When starting a new trace, a trace that is already running is automatically terminated. Using the Refresh Display button you can display the collected data in the table. For performance reasons, a trace should be deactivated as soon as the data are no longer evaluated. When starting a trace you must therefore specify not only the interval length and the server to be investigated, but also the auto-stop time period. A trace is then stopped automatically if the trace data has not been evluated during this time period.