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Indexing BW Data in SAP NetWeaver BW AcceleratorLocate this document in the navigation structure


Make sure that you have installed SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator 7.2 and are connected to the BW system.


To get faster access to data in the BW system, you can store this data in indexes in SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator.

You can create BWA indexes for the following BW object types:

BW Accelerator Index for an InfoCube

Scenario: You want to analyze data that is stored in a single BW InfoCube.


BWA indexes cannot be created for the following InfoProviders:

BW Accelerator Index for a HybridProvider

Scenario: You want to analyze real-time data with high system performance. You can do this by using a HybridProvider (see Creating HybridProviders).

The system only indexes the InfoCube data, regardless of whether you are using a HybridProvider based on a DataStore object, in other words, a combination of a DataStore object and an InfoCube or a HybridProvide based on direct access (a combination of an InfoCube and a VirtualProvider with the same structure for direct access to up to date data from the source system).

BW Accelerator index for a semantically partitioned object

Scenario: You want to analyze data from an InfoProvider that consists of multiple InfoCubes with the same structure. See Using Semantic Partitioning.

If you index a semantically partitioned object, the system creates a BWA index, thus indexing all InfoCubes contained there.

It is also possible however to create a BWA index for selected InfoCubes contained there. The procedure is the same as when creating a BW Accelerator index for an InfoCube. Even if the semantically partitioned object is not indexed in its entirety, the OLAP processor still accesses the indexes of the individual InfoCubes. The data of non-indexed InfoCubes is still read from the database.


If for example you want to perform an analysis in a query covering data from just the last three years, you only need to index the InfoCubes from the last three years.


Note that with semantically partitioned objects consisting of multiple DataStore objects with the same structure, you cannot create a BWA index that is released for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer.

BW Accelerator Index for a VirtualProvider

Scenario: You want to analyze data from an InfoProvider with transaction data that is not stored in the BW object itself, but which is read directly for analysis and reporting purposes. The relevant data can be from the BW system or from other SAP or non-SAP systems. See Modeling Direct Data Access.


Note that this is a snapshot taken when the data in the VirtualProvider is indexed. Subsequent changes to the original data in the VirtualProvider are therefore not automatically replicated to the BWA.

BW Accelerator Index for Master Data

a. Master data for input help

The table below provides an overview of which input help modes you can index master data for in the BWA:

Input Help Mode


BWA Indexing

M Mode

Values in Master Data Table

Supported: With this setting, all master data values in the master data tables (P, Q tables) are indexed for the input help request.

Q Mode

Only Posted Values for Navigation

Supported: With this setting, only values that are part of the query results are indexed for the input help request.

P Mode

Characteristic Combination (BW Integrated Planning)

Supported: With this setting, the list of displayed values is restricted using the characteristic combinations (planning). This mode is only available in the planning context.

D Mode

Only Values in InfoProvider

Supported in some cases: With this setting, the only values retrieved for the input help requests are from characteristics that are posted in the InfoCube dimensions or in the DataStore object. The BWA can be used if the InfoProvider is one of the following:

  • a. InfoCube with BWA index

  • b. MultiProvider, comprising InfoCubes that all have a BWA index.

Otherwise, the system reads from the database.

The InfoObjects must have master data access type Standard (see Tab: Master Data/Texts).

b. Characteristic is InfoProvider

You can index InfoProviders that carry master data.

There is one exception to this: If the InfoObject has time-dependent and non-time-dependent display attributes, and a time-dependent key figure attribute can be queried for the InfoProvider, it cannot be processed by the BWA. The system then executes the query against the database. If there are no non-time-dependent display attributes, time-dependent key figure attributes can also be indexed in the BWA.


You can find out more by reading SAP Note 1436854.

BW Accelerator Index for BW Hierarchy

You can index the characteristic hierarchies for a hierarchy basic characteristic in BWA (see Hierarchy).


You need to enter the name of the hierarchy basic characteristic. The system indexes all existing hierarchies for this InfoObject.

There is one exception here: If the InfoObject has one or more hierarchies with time-dependent structure, no hierarchies can be indexed for this InfoObject.

Note that at least one hierarchy must be active.


If you create a BWA index for an InfoCube or a VitualProvider, you can also index the associated hierarchies, by selecting the relevant flag in the Hierarchy Index column on the InfoObject Options tab page.

BW Accelerator Index for a Query (Snapshot)

Scenario: You want to analyze InfoProvider data requires complex processing beforehand, and the required functionality is available in the BW system's analytic manager but not in the BWA Engine.

Restrictions: A query result cannot be indexed if the query meets one of the following conditions:

  • It is an input-ready query. An aggregation level is used as the InfoProvider. (SAP BusinessObjects Explorer does not support planning.)

  • Input-ready mandatory variables are used in the query. (As indexing runs in the background, no entries can be made.)

  • The query contains a temporal hierarchy join. (The result cannot be stored in a "flat" index.)

  • The query contains more than one structure

  • Calculations in the query cannot be performed before aggregation. Indexing can be performed despite this, but the relevant key figures cannot be used in every context.

  • Local aggregation is used. The system ignores this during indexing. The query result in the Analytic Manager is not the same as the result that the user sees.

  • The technical name of the query is more than 20 letters long. An index ID is formed from the query name. There is a technical limitation for this.


    To be able to index the snapshot of a query result in the BWA, you first need to activate the query. Choose Activate Query as InfoProvider. If no restrictive conditions apply, the system informs you in the next dialog that the query has been activated for indexing in the BWA.

    The query is then visible in the tree of BW objects for making indexing settings (transaction RSDDTPS). The query result is given the read mode Query to Read All Data at Once (A) (see Read Mode), which means that the free characteristics are also used in GROUP BY.

The system uses the BWA snapshot index if the time stamp of the snapshot index is not older than the time stamp of the InfoProvider that the query is based on (see Tab Page BWA Index Settings).


  1. Call BWA Index maintenance (transaction RSDDB) and select the BW object that you want to create a BWA index for. You have the following options:

    • Access from Data Warehousing Workbench (Transaction RSA1)

      You are in the Data Warehousing Workbench in the Modeling functional area. In the navigation window, choose InfoProvider. In the InfoProvider tree, navigate to the InfoProvider with the queries you want to optimize using the BW accelerator index. In the context menu for the InfoProvider, choose Maintain BW Accelerator Index. The BWA index administration screen for this BW object appears.


      For InfoCubes with persistence in the BWA, the system only offers the Display BW Accelerator Index option.

    • Access from Aggregate Maintenance (Transaction RSDDV)

      Select the required InfoCube on the Aggregates/BW Accelerator Index Maintenance screen.

      Choose BWA Index BWA Index. The BWA index administration screen for this BW InfoCube appears.

    • Access from InfoObject Maintenance (Transaction RSD1)

      If the object has not been indexed on the BWA yet, choose Start of the navigation path Extras Next navigation step Master Data Next navigation step Maintain BW Accelerator Index End of the navigation path on the characteristic properties display screen.

      If the InfoObject has already been indexed on the BWA, go to BWA Index for this tab page and select Maintain BW Accelerator Index for this InfoObject.

    • Call BWA Index Maintenance (transaction RSDDB)

      You are on the BWA index maintenance screen. Select the relevant BW object type (InfoCube, VirtualProvider, hierarchy, master data for input help, query as InfoProvider).

      Enter the technical name of the BW object. You can use input help for this.

      In the lower part of the screen, the system displays a list of all objects that already have a BWA index.

  2. Choose the required editing function. You have the following options:

    Editing Functions for BWA Indexes




    The system displays the BWA index settings for the selected BW object. You have the following options:

    Logs. The Log Selection dialog box appears.




    You can change the BWA index settings for the selected BW object.

    You have the following options:



    With VirtualProviders, you can still use the delta function:



    If the BW object is suitable for indexing data on the BWA, but a BWA index has not been created yet, you can create one by choosing Create.

    Make the relevant settings on the Indexing Performance, Memory Management and InfoObject Options tab pages.

    Choose Activate and Fill BWA Index. The dialog box for specifying start dates appears.

    Define the start time for indexing and choose Save.


    If you delete a BWA index, the optional settings for indexing the relevant BW object are retained. If you want to use other settings when indexing the same BW object at a later point in time, you have to change them individually in editing mode.

    When deleting a BWA index for an InfoCube or VirtualProvider, you have the option of deleting the master data that is no longer required as well.


    When this function run, a background job is scheduled (RSDDB_GARBAGE_COLLECTION). This process checks which master data indexes cannot be used any more throughout the system. The InfoObject counts as having being used in the following cases:

    • It is activated for F4 input help with BWA.

    • It is part of the index schema of another F4 input help, as a navigation attribute for example.

    • It is part of an InfoProvider schema (InfoCube, VirtualProvider) as a characteristic or navigation attribute.

    Master data indexes that are not needed anymore are then deleted.

    You can call the log for the background job by choosing Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Application Logs Next navigation step  Deletion of Master Data Indexes End of the navigation path. The Analyze Application Log screen appears. The required selection (object = "RSDDTREX", subobject = "BWA_MD_DELETION") is then set as the default.

  3. Depending on which BW object you create, display or edit BWA indexes for, you can find settings or information on all or some of the tab pages detailed below.


    BW Object

    BWA Index Settings

    InfoCubes (including InfoCubes of HybridProviders and SPOs), VirtualProviders, hierarchies, master data (only in Display mode and Editing mode), query as InfoProvider.

    Indexing Performance

    InfoCubes (including InfoCubes belonging to HybridProviders and SPOs), VirtualProviders, hierarchies, master data

    Memory Management

    InfoCubes (including InfoCubes belonging to HybridProviders and SPOs), query as InfoProvider

    Index Information

    InfoCubes (including InfoCubes belonging to HybridProviders and SPOs), VirtualProviders, hierarchies, master data, query as InfoProvider

    The system displays the name, the size and the indexing status of the various tables. It also displays the name of the last user to change them and when this change was made.

    For hierarchies, the system displays the hierarchies of the selected hierarchy basis characteristics together with all of this InfoObject's indexed master data tables. In accordance with the InfoObject structure, the system can index the InfoObject's S, P, Q, X and Y table. If the corresponding InfoObject was not indexed prior to hierarchy indexing, the master data tables are now indexed too.

    By choosing Display, you can call the Data Browser for data on the BWA.

    For InfoCubes and VirtualProviders, you can choose Display Index Joins to view a graphical display of the logical index on the BWA, the BWA index's join schema.

  4. Choose Activate and Fill BWA Index. The dialog box for specifying start dates appears. Schedule activating and filling the index with data at the required time (see Activation and Provision of Data).


    You cannot schedule indexing jobs periodically in BWA Index Maintenance (transaction RSDDB) however. This is advisable for queries as InfoProviders though. If you want to update your query snapshots automatically, you can add this application process to a process chain for automatic execution (process chain type Create/Fill BWA Index Initially. (See Application Process).

  5. Check whether indexing has been performed, and the logs filled. Choose Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step  Application Logs End of the navigation path to display the application log.


Reporting tools can access data indexed in SAP NetWeaver BW Accelerator from the selected BW objects.

You can expand the BWA indexes for analysis in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer (see Indexing BW Data for SAP BusinessObjects Explorer).