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Controller/Context EditorLocate this document in the navigation structure


The Controller/Context Editor provides graphical support for the creation of controller context trees and the subsequent definition of the data flow between two Web Dynpro entities. The Controller/Context Editor is used for creating the context structures of all controller types.

The Editor supports the following tasks:

  • Creating a structure for the automatically generated context of a controller. This is a tree structure with nodes and attributes. The structure elements can be model nodes and model attributes or value nodes and value attributes.

  • Defining the data flow between the model, the view contexts, and the controller contexts. In the data transfer between the view context and the controller context, data binding takes place - that is, a reference is passed. The same applies to the data flow definition between the Web Dynpro model and the controller of an application. However, if data is passed between the controllers of an application, these are data copies (mapping).

The Controller/Context Editor is available as part of the Eclipse tabbed properties sheet. The controller/context properties of a particular Web Dynpro entity are displayed in the properties view on selection of the same within the modeler in the Eclipse editor area. The properties are sub-divided into the following tabs to enable easy editing and navigation across various properties of the controller.

The tabs that are displayed for the selection depends upon the type of controller that is selected in the Data Modeler. The Context tab is common across all controllers in Web Dynpro. You use the Context node to create, display and delete nodes and attributes. You could select from two options, namely:

  • Context Properties for editing the context tree structure: There are two sections shown in the context properties tab - a context tree section to the left and a properties section to the right. The context tree section is an editable area with Context as the main node; this is the starting point for the definition of the context structure with the nodes and attributes. You use the Context node to create, display and delete nodes. When a context element is selected in this tree, the properties section displays the properties of that element.

  • Context Mapping for either mapping the context to the context of another controller or bind the same to an used model. All controller references and used model appear within a drop down on the right side of the context tab on selection of the Context Mapping option for users to select the target. You could also edit and delete bindings/mappings here. A dialog box is also available that provides graphical support when defining the mapping, data binding, or model binding. In the source structure, you can select the data to be transferred; you can even select entire structures.