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Publishing Information with XML FormsLocate this document in the navigation structure


You use XML forms to create and publish information such as news items in the portal.

The documentation below gives examples of how you publish news items using XML forms. However, XML forms are also suitable for publishing other types of information.

Configuring Commands for Lists

Figure 1: Commands for Lists

You configure lists in different places:

  • Commands for creating new XML documents

    In the configuration, you define which forms are available in the iView for authors (see step 3).

  • Layout for list entries

    You define the layout for list entries in the XML Forms Builder (see step 1). You can use the same layout for both the iView for authors and the iView for readers.

  • Commands for list entries

    In the configuration, you define which commands should be displayed next to the list entries (see step 4). You display different commands in the iView for authors than in the iView for readers.


  1. Create forms in the XML Forms Builder.

    By default, a project contains the following forms:

    • Edit form

      Authors use this form to enter content.

    • List form

      This form defines how the system is to display information in lists. For example, you can display just the title and summary of each news item in a list of news items.

    • Show form

      You use this form to define how individual items such as news items are displayed. The system displays information in this layout if users click, for example, on the title of a news item in a list of news items.

    For more information, see Creating XML Forms .

  2. Create iViews.

    • iView for authors

    • iView for readers

    You display the List form in both iViews.

    For more information, see Creating iViews for Form-Based Publishing .

  3. Define which commands are to be available in the iView for authors for creating new XML documents.

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    For more information, see Availability of XML Forms

  4. Optional: Define which commands are to be displayed next to the list entries.

    For more information, see Configuring Commands for Lists .

  5. Optional: Translate text in forms into different languages.

    For more information, see Providing Forms in Multiple Languages .

  6. Optional: If you want to provide iViews with different list layouts, create additional list forms and iViews.

    For more information, see Creating Lists with Alternative Layouts .