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Current Number of Messages in ProcessingLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can use the alert monitor of the Computing Center Management System ( CCMS ) for PI to display for each messaging system (Adapter Engine) the total number of messages that are currently in processing for each sender and receiver communication component.

Tree Element


Receiver/Sender Services

Subtree with message processing backlog of all communication components (services), as well as the receiver or sender components of all communication components selected for monitoring .


Subtree with message processing backlog of all receiver or sender components.

<Receiver/Sender Service>

Subtree with message processing backlog for each selected receiver or sender component.

<Backlog Category>

Number of messages for a particular backlog category.

In the default setting, a yellow alert is set if there are at least 50 messages and a red alert is set if there are more than 1000 messages.