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You use the alert monitor of the Computing Center Management System ( CCMS ) for PI to monitor the following components:

Tree Element



System ID of monitored system


Integration Engines of the monitored system with information on the system ( SystemID ), the client ( Client ) in which the Integration Engine is running, and the Integration Engine type ( EngineType ).

The following types exist:

  • Application system : Local Integration Engine without integration logic

  • Integration Server : Central Integration Engine with integration logic

Message Indexing

Subtree containing information about message indexing


Subtree containing information about the configuration of message indexing. More information: Index Administration .

To display the information on a separate screen, double-click the tree element (or one of the lower-level tree elements).

You can navigate from the separate screen to the monitoring of the indexing service.

Indexing Status

Displays whether indexing is active in the Integration Engine.

Index ID

Displays the ID of the index.

Indexing Period

Displays the set time interval at which message packages are transferred periodically to the TREX server for indexing.

Indexing Runtime

Subtree containing information about the indexing runtime. To branch directly to the monitoring of the indexing service, double-click the tree element (or one of the lower-level tree elements).

Indexing Service Status

Displays the status of the indexing service.

Reorg Service Status

Displays the status of the reorganization service.

System Errors

Subtree containing system errors that are reported in the pipeline of an Integration Engine. You can display the system errors by category.

Category <Category>

Subtree for a particular error category, containing all messages for this error category

Error Frequency

Number of errors of a category reported each minute

Message Alerts by Error Codes

Message alerts by error code. Only one alert is triggered for each error code and the last triggered alert for the error code is displayed.

To display all alerts, select the entry and choose Display details .

To navigate to message monitoring , double-click on the entry. XI message monitoring displays all messages for the corresponding error category that have the status System Error .

You can also navigate to message monitoring by double-clicking on an alert in the alert list. This displays all messages with the corresponding error code that have the status System Error .

Error Code <ErrorCode>

Number of messages for a particular error code.

To navigate to message monitoring, double-click on the entry. This displays all messages with the corresponding error code that have the status System Error .

Application Errors

Subtree containing errors that are reported in the namespaces of applications (software component versions) that send or receive messages using PI.

An error is reported if a stopped message has had the status Application Error for longer than a specified time period (threshold value).

The default threshold value is seven days.

Messages Summary

Displays a summary of information about all namespaces.

Total Number of Waiting Messages

Total number of messages waiting

Wait Time Threshold Value

Set threshold value

You can change the set threshold value by using the configuration parameter CCMS_APPLERROR_ALERT_AGE.


Namespace of an application according to naming convention, from which you can navigate to message monitoring of the relevant application component. All waiting messages in this namespace are displayed.

Message Age Alerts

Number of messages for a particular interface, with the threshold value and color of the alert that is triggered by this message (or messages). It is also possible to navigate from here to message monitoring of the relevant application component. All waiting messages for this interface are then displayed.

Message Performance by Sender/Receiver

Subtree that is only displayed for the Integration Server .

In this case the processing time of messages of logical sender/receiver assignments is monitored.


Logical name for the assignment of sender and receiver

Average Processing Time

Average processing time of a message

If the processing time exceeds the lower threshold value, but not the upper, a yellow alert is triggered.

If the processing time also exceeds the upper threshold value then a red alert is triggered.

To display the list of alerts, choose Display Alerts .

By double-clicking on an alert you get to the XI Message Monitoring where the corresponding message is displayed.


Sender/receiver attributes: