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Using Ant Scripts to Work with SDAsLocate this document in the navigation structure


You need Ant scripts to automate repeated deployment-related tasks. To do so, you need to modify the available example_build.xml file to suit your needs.

More information: .

The Ant tasks can be executed on a running AS Java. The tasks require a download of the AS Java client libraries. These are delivered with each AS Java installation and reside in folder usr\sap\<SID>\<Instance_Number>\j2ee\j2eeclient . After the libraries are downloaded, they should be made available in the task's class path.


Deploying SDAs

Use the sapdeploy task. It can deploy a set of SDAs located in the fileset directory.

Attributes of sapdeploy

Deployment strategies

  • The Deploy all option is most suitable when you deploy Java EE archives since they do not have meaningful versions.

  • Deploy only files with the same or lower versions

  • Deploy only files with lower versions

Sample Code
                  <target name="deploy">
        <!-- versionrule: "all" | "same_and_lower" | "lower" -->
                <sapdeploy versionrule="all" throws>
                        . . .



If set to true, a deployment result status Error will trigger a build exception for the Ant script. Possible values are: yes, true, false, no.


Specifies a name of a property in which value the deployment result status will be stored. The value containing the deployment result status is visible in the target containing the sapdeploy task and in its nested targets.

Error Handling

To specify the error handling mechanism you use the saperrorhandling element. It has the following attributes:

  • erroraction

  • errorstrategy

Error Action

Possible values are: prerequisites , deploy and undeploy .

Error action prerequisites denotes the preprocess for the deploy or undeploy operation, for example the validity check of the manifest, deployment descriptors and described references for a deployment.

The deploy and undeploy error actions refer to the appropriate operations.

Error Strategies

  • Stop - The whole deployment process will fail when one of the deployments fails. This is the default and recommended error behavior.

  • Skip - If the deployment of one of the components fails, all depending components are skipped and not deployed. The process continues with the next component in the deployment queue that does not depend on the failed component. When calculating depending components, deploy time references described in the SAP_MANIFEST are taken into account.

Sample Code
                  <target name="deploy">
        <!-- versionrule: "all" | "same_and_lower" | "lower" -->
                <sapdeploy versionrule="all">
                        <!-- erroraction:   "prerequisites" | "deploy" | "undeploy" -->
                        <!-- errorstrategy: "stop" | "skip" -->
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="deploy" errorstrategy="stop"/>



Specify the directory where the archives are.

Sample Code
                  <target name="deploy">
        <!-- versionrule: "all" | "same_and_lower" | "lower" -->
                <sapdeploy versionrule="all">
                        <!-- erroraction:   "prerequisites" | "deploy" | "undeploy" -->
                        <!-- errorstrategy: "stop" | "skip" -->
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="deploy" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <!-- specify absolute path to the archives -->
                        <fileset dir="c:/temp">



To specify the location of the server on which to deploy you use the sapj2eeengine element. It has the following attributes:

  • Server host

  • Server port

  • User name

  • User password

Sample Code
                  <target name="deploy">
        <!-- versionrule: "all" | "same_and_lower" | "lower" -->
                <sapdeploy versionrule="all">
                        <!-- erroraction:   "prerequisites" | "deploy" | "undeploy" -->
                        <!-- errorstrategy: "stop" | "skip" -->
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="deploy" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <!-- specify absolute path to the archives -->
                        <fileset dir="c:/temp">
                                username="<user name>"
                                userpassword="<user password>"


Undeploying SDAs

You can undeploy components specified in a list.

Undeployment Strategies

  • If depending stop - If there are components that depend on the software component that has to be undeployed and these are not part of the list of components that have to be undeployed, the undeployment process will stop. The dependent components have to be undeployed for the undeployment to be successful.

  • Undeploy Depending - All deployed components that depend on the component that has to be undeployed will be undeployed too.


    Please use this strategy with caution. If there is a large dependency chain, you may undeploy applications you did not intend to undeploy.

    Sample Code
                            <target name="undeploy">
            <!-- undeploy strategy: "IfDependingStop" | "UndeployDepending" -->
                    <sapundeploy undeploystrategy="IfDependingStop">
                            . . . 

Error Handling

You specify them with the saperrorhandling element. It has the following attributes:

  • erroraction

  • errorstrategy

Error Action

Use with value undeploy.

Error Strategies

  • Stop when the first error occurs - The whole undeployment process will fail if one of the undeployments fails. This is the default error behavior.

  • Skip undeployment of archives depending on the erroneous undeployment - This option is most suitable when undeploying Java EE archives since all your archives will be undeployed. If the undeployment of some of the components fails, all depending components are skipped and not undeployed. The process continues with the next component in the undeployment queue that does not depend on the failed component.

    Sample Code
                            <target name="undeploy">
            <!-- undeploy strategy: "IfDependingStop" | "UndeployDepending" -->
                    <sapundeploy undeploystrategy="IfDependingStop">
                    <!-- erroraction:   "prerequisites" | "deploy" | "undeploy" -->
                            <!-- errorstrategy: "stop" | "skip" -->
                            <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                            <saperrorhandling erroraction="undeploy" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                            . . .

List with Components for Undeployment

You have to list the components for undeployment in a plain text file. Components have to be listed as <vendor>/<name> pairs, each on separate line.

Sample Code


Then the file is referred to as the listfilepath attribute of the sapundeploylist element.

Sample Code
                  <target name="undeploy">
        <!-- undeploy strategy: "IfDependingStop" | "UndeployDepending" -->
                <sapundeploy undeploystrategy="IfDependingStop">
                <!-- erroraction:   "prerequisites" | "deploy" | "undeploy" -->
                        <!-- errorstrategy: "stop" | "skip" -->
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="prerequisites" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <saperrorhandling erroraction="undeploy" errorstrategy="stop"/>
                        <!-- specify absolute path to the file containing list with components for undeploy -->
                        <sapundeploylist listfilepath="c:/temp/UndeployList.txt"/>
                        . . .



You have to specify the location of the server from which to undeploy. The information you have to enter is the same as the server for deployment.

Specifying Substitution Variables

You should use the task sapp arams .

Attributes of sapparams

remove = yes | true | on | no | false

This attribute specifies the remove behavior of the operation if it is switched on any parameters contained currently on the engine, which are not in the parameters list for of the operation, will be removed. Hence passing an empty list with enabled remove will clear all parameters from the engine.


The substitution variables should be listed in a plain text file with format: <name>=<value> on each line of the file. If a value is not specified, the variable will not be considered. A warning message is shown. If duplicate parameter names are specified only the first parameter is considered. The second will be skipped. A warning message is shown.

The location of the file is specified as listfilepath attribute of the sapparamslist element.

Sample Code
                  <target name="params">
        <!-- remove: "yes" | "no" -->
                <sapparams remove="no">                   
                        <!-- specify absolute path to the file with params list -->
                        <sapparamslist listfilepath="c:/temp/ParamsList.txt"/>                    
                        . . .



You have to specify the location of the server from which to undeploy. The information you have to enter is the same as the server for deployment.