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web-j2ee-engine.xsdLocate this document in the navigation structure


An XML schema used for producing XML files for the creation of Web Deployment Descriptor object.


Use the XML file based on this schema to create or configure the Web deployment descriptor settings.


The web-j2ee-engine.xsd has the following structure:

XML Schema Description

Schema Element / Attribute



The root element for this deployment descriptor. It contains information about the deployed Web applications.



The spec-version is for internal purposes only. You should not modify the value stored in the tag.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine


Configures stopping of the application in the whole cluster in case of a servlet initialization failure. Application start succeeds only in case the initialization of all servlets configured to be initialized during the application startup is successful. If any servlet fails to initialize, then the application remains stopped on all server processes.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine


Contains additional reference's settings for external resources used within the current Web application.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: res-ref-name , res-link , non-transactional


Identifies the name of the defined resource reference. It is the same as specified in web.xml. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: resource-ref


Specifies the JNDI name of the resource.

Used in: resource-ref


Specifies if the resource reference is transactional. By default, all references are transactional.

Used in: resource-ref


Contains a Web application's reference to an object in the Web application's environment.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: resource-env-ref-name , jndi-name


Identifies the name of the reference to the Web application's environment resource specified in the web.xml of this application. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: resource-env-ref


The JNDI name of the resource.

Used in: resource-env-ref , ejb-ref , ejb-local-ref , server-component-ref , message-destination , message-destination-ref


Contains a reference to an enterprise bean in the Web application.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: ejb-ref-name , jndi-name


Identifies the name of the enterprise bean reference as specified in the web.xml of the current application. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: ejb-ref , ejb-local-ref


Describes a reference to enterprise bean's local home.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: ejb-ref-name , jndi-name


Describes a reference to a specific server component.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: description , name , type , jndi-nam e


Description of the reference.

Used in: server-component-ref


Specifies the name of a component in the current Web application.

Used in: server-component-ref , option


Specifies the server component type. It can be SERVICE or INTERFACE . This value is case sensitive.

Used in: server-component-ref


Specifies a message destination.

Contains: mess age-destination-name , jndi-name


Specifies a name for a message destination. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: message-destination

message-destination -ref

Specifies a message destination reference.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: message-destination- ref- name , jndi-name

message-destination- ref- name

Specifies a name for a message destination reference. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: message-destination


Describes the Web application's security roles that are mapped to AS Java security roles.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: role-name , server-role-name


Describes the programmatic security policy to be used in the application. It can have one of the following two values:


    You should use this value in all cases except in the cases stated for the RUNAS-INDENTITY value.


    Use this value if all of the following conditions are available:

    1. Your application has run-as identity roles ( run-as tags) defined for some servlet

    2. You use programmatic security, namely, one of the HttpServletRequest methods: isUserInRole(role) , getRemoteUser() or getUserPrincipal() .

    3. The remote user (caller, client) is in a different role from the one defined in the run-as tag.

    With older-version Web modules (version 2.3 or less), which have no programmatic security specified, the RUNAS-IDENTITY value is assumed, and a warning message appears during deployment. If you want to avoid the warning message, upgrade the application to Servlet version 2.5/JSP version 2.1 or specify an explicit value to the programmatic-security-against tag.

  • Used in: web-j2ee-engine


Specifies the name of the security role. The name must be unique within the Web application and must be the same as the one specified in the web.xml .

Used in: security-role-map


Specifies the name of the server roles that are mapped to specific Web application's security roles. The server roles are: administrators , guests , all and any other string literal.

Used in: security-role-map


Defines response status codes for HTTP responses and their reason phrases as specified in HTTP 1.1 protocol.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: status-code , reason-phrase


This type defines custom HTTP response codes (in addition to the standard ones defined by the HTTP 1.1 specification in RFC #2616) that the Web Container uses to reply to the users of the Web application in certain cases. The value must be an Integer between 100 (exclusive) and 999 (inclusive) as the following code values are not permitted: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505. The value must be unique within the Web application.

Used in: response-status


Specifies the reason phrase for the described response code.

Used in: response-status


Defines an alert message warning that the server node on which the user session is running is shut down.




Warning! This server node will be shut down.






Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: message , timeout


Specifies the text of alert message warning you that the server node is shutting down.

Used in: fail-over-alert


Specifies the timeout (in minutes) after which the server node is shutting down. The displayed alert message warns you about the specified timeout period. By default, the value is 120000 .

Used in: fail-over-alert


Defines login modules and password changing settings for a particular Web application.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: login-module-stack , password-change-config , security-policy-domain


Contains login modules within the current Web application.

Used in: login-module-configuration

Contains: lo gin-module


Contains a particular login module's settings. It defines the authentication method and its priority.

Used in: login-module-stack

Contains: l ogin-module-name , flag , options


The login-module-name element specifies the name of the particular login module.





Used in: login-module


The flag element specifies the priority of the authentication method in the login module. The options are:







    Used in: login-module


Contains specific features for the particular login module.

Used in: login-module

Contains: option


Defines specific login module option. Each option is in key=value format.






Used in: options

Contains: name , value


Specifies the value of the login module specific option.

Used in: option


Defines the login page and the error page enabling you to change the login password for your Web application.

Used in: login-module-configuration

Contains: login-page , error-page


Specifies the login page that is displayed when the login password for the user expires and you have to set a new one.

Used in: password-change-config


Specifies the error page, displayed when the login fails.

Used in: password-change-config


Defines the security domain for a particular Web application. The default value is /<alias-name> .

Used in: login-module-configuration


Specifies if session tracking is performed using cookies, or encoded directly in the URL using URL rewriting mechanism. Accepts Boolean values (true/false). By default, the url-session-tracking tag has false value, which means cookies are used if the client accepts cookies, otherwise URL rewriting is used. If the tag is set to true , the URL rewriting is always used.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine


Specifies the maximum number of user sessions to an application.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine


Contains a description of the session or the application cookie.

Used in: web-j2ee-engine

Contains: cookie


Specifies the attributes that the Web Container uses when creating the session or the application cookie.

Used in: cookie-con fig

Contains: type , path , domain , max-age


Specifies the type of the cookie. It must be SESSION or APPLICATION . These are used as follows:

  • SESSION specifies a jsessionid type of cookie (session cookie)

  • APPLICATION specifies a saplb type of cookie (application cookie)

    More information: AS Java Cookies

    The default is SESSION . The value must be unique within the Web application.

    Used in: cookie


Specifies the path to which the cookie is set. The possible values for this element are:

  • APPLICATION - the Web Container sets the path value to / <alias-name> /

  • NONE - the Web Container does not set a path attribute

  • Custom specified string - the Web Container uses this string as a path value.

    By default, if this tag is missing or empty, the Web Container sets / as value of the path attribute.

    Used in: cookie


Specifies the domain of the cookie. It can be:

  • SERVER - the Web Container sets a domain value as the host name from the request

  • NONE - the Web Container does not set a domain attribute, that is, it is valid for the requested host only.

  • Custom specified string - the Web Container uses this string for domain value.

    By default, if this tag is missing or empty, the Web Container sets NONE as value of the domain attribute.

    Used in: cookie


Defines the lifetime of the cookie. A positive integer number specifies the seconds after which the cookie expires. If the value is 0, the HTTP client discards the cookie. If the value is not set, the cookie expires with the end of the HTTP session.

By default, the lifetime value is not set.

Used in: cookie


Determines the behavior of the getRequestURL() method of the HttpServletRequest object when it is called from a forwarded JSP or servlet. Possible values are REQUEST-DISPATCHER or CLIENT .

If the REQUEST-DISPATCHER value is set, then the getRequestURL() method returns the URL of the Servlet or JSP to which the request has been forwarded.

If the value is CLIENT , then the method returns the URL of the Servlet or JSP that has been called by the client.

By default, it is REQUEST-DISPATCHER .

Used in: web-j2ee-engine