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Using the SAP System ConnectorLocate this document in the navigation structure


The SAP System connector for the SAP NetWeaver Portal is a connector framework implementation based on the J2EE Java Connectivity Architecture (JCA 1.0), the SAP RFC library. It enables connectivity to SAP ERP systems, CRM (Customer Relations Management) and BI (Business Intelligence).

For more information, see Using Existing Connectors.

Connecting to an SAP System Using the Connector Gateway Service

The following example illustrates connecting to a SAP system using the connector gateway service:

Sample Code
                  IConnection connection = null;
try {  // get the Connector Gateway Service
    Object connectorservice = PortalRuntime.getRuntimeResources().getService(IConnectorGatewayService.KEY);
    IConnectorGatewayService cgService =(IConnectorGatewayService) connectorservice;
    if (cgService == null) {
       response.write("Error in get Connector Gateway Service <br>");
    try {
        connection = cgService.getConnection(sapsystem, request);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.write("Connection to SAP system failed <br>");
    if (connection == null) {
        response.write("No connection <br>");
    else {
        response.write("Connection succesful");
} catch (Exception e) {
    response.write("Exception occurred");


Executing a BAPI Function

The following example shows executing a BAPI function that returns a RecordSet object.

Sample Code
                  try {
    // Get the Interaction interface for executing the command
    IInteraction ix = connection.createInteractionEx();
    // Get interaction spec and set the name of the command to run
    IInteractionSpec ixspec = ix.getInteractionSpec();
    // the well known example BAPI SALESORDER
    String functionName = "BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST";
    // Put Function Name into interaction Properties.
    ixspec.setPropertyValue("Name", functionName);
    // return structure
    String function_out = "SALES_ORDERS";
    RecordFactory rf = ix.getRecordFactory();
    MappedRecord input = rf.createMappedRecord("input");
    // put function input parameters
    input.put("CUSTOMER_NUMBER", new String("0000001172"));
    input.put("SALES_ORGANIZATION", new String("1000"));
    MappedRecord output = (MappedRecord) ix.execute(ixspec, input);
    Object rs = null;
    try {
        Object result = output.get(function_out);
        if (result == null) {
            rs = new String(" ");
        } else if (result instanceof IRecordSet) {
            rs = (IRecordSet) result;
        // result object returned
        else {
            rs = result.toString();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return rs;
} catch (Exception e) {


Connecting to an SAP System Without the Connector Gateway Service

The following is relevant for the older versions of WebAS (AS Java).

The JNDI name of the connector was changed in WebAS 6.40. In 6.20, you use the lookup string EISConnections/<connector_name> to get a connector factory instance.

When migrating code with such a hard-coded lookup string to WebAS 6.40, change the JNDI lookup name for the connector to the following format:


Sample Code
try {
    //get the initial JNDI context
    Hashtable env = null;
    initctx = 
      new com.sapportals.portal.prt.jndisupport.InitialContext(env);
    // perform JNDI lookup to get the connection factory
    connectionFactory = 
     (IConnectionFactory) initctx.lookup("deployedAdapters/SAPFactory/
     shareable/SAPFactory for SAP connector");

It is highly recommended to use the portal connector gateway service, as described above, to establish a connection to the back end. Code that uses this service does not require any changes when migrating to WebAS 6.40.

More Information