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Displaying XML ContentLocate this document in the navigation structure


The portal provides several ways of working with XML content and performing transformations:

  • XML iViews

    The portal comes with an XML iView template that enables administrators to specify an XML source and one of the built-in transformers. The iView displays the transformed content.

    This method is for administrators who are working with an HTTP-based XML source, whose XML content can use one of the built-in transformers.

    For more information, see Creating XML iViews .

  • Creating Transformers

    You can build additional transformers for the XML iView. The custom transformers are displayed to administrators in the XML iView wizard.

    For more information, see Providing Transformers .

  • Using the Transformation Service

    You can create a portal component that performs its own transformations, with the help of the transformation service.

    For more information, see Transformation Service .